Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
Also as a note; more Majora has been recorded! Just, gotta edit it...
Clue you twit you saw the conductor give Amy the Birthday key.

...I wonder if you get special dialog here if you name yourself Butler?

Re: Age, Given that Shadow was mentally and physiologically an adult when Maria Robotnik, Ivo's same-age cousin, was 10-12 I think he's the oldest even discounting the tube, for all intents and purposes.

You're thinking of Infinite, Zodi. "Ultim" is probably Shadow. The Ultimate Life Form.

And yeah that... There's something very amusing about the Edgehog being into a silly childish arcade game.

Vector, phrasing!

Eating an entire pack of bacon would probably kill a person.

Vector, phrasing!

Yes, Clue. They have been everywhere. Remember when the planet got split in half? They fixed that.

Clue: "I'd have two rings, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened more than once."

Yes. It is so fricking annoying that I have to skim through five paragraphs of a lady talking about her kids before I can get to the alcohol-free fondue recipe. You aren't on the air cooking for TV you don't have silence to fill, nobody cares.

And what a lovely book it is, Zodi.

...Rouge you are at a ten and we need you to be at a two.

Knight probably calls it the Chao-ken, too.

Why is there an elevator on the train car!? I just noticed it and now it's bugging me!

Clue's first day on the job and they're already robbing their employer.

Apparently, if you say "Pretend to be Blaze's spouse" she gets like, really into the idea and starts drilling you on your family history.

....I also am intrigued by the idea that Clue can use Chaos Control.

Yeah, that's addiction in a nutshell. Clue even knows intellectually that there's a problem but can't connect their knowledge to their feelings.

Okay, how the hell does that work. There is a car between the two... Is there a portal back there or something, and... What is, how work?

"Train" of logic.

...So, odds on "worried for my social status" being an excuse so he doesn't have to admit he felt bad about forgetting a gift?

So if I wasn't already diabetic that mug would have done it.

Birthday privilege, zodi. That's how se got the hammer on the train.

In regards to the question, there's usually only a single designated murderer.

I'm gonna note that you gave Espio his alibi by pointing to the place on the map where he could have been reading where Shadow wouldn't have seen and that shadow poked a hole in it by stating that he was actively looking for Espio to give him his key and couldn't find him.

So there was an animated Superman movie, I forget which one. Was one of the ones that used the DCAU art style but weren't the DCAU, had Clark in his lab in the fortress of solitude lamenting that he could save the world day after day but not even he could come up with a cure for cancer... And then it cut to Lex Luthor telling one of his scientists to destroy the cure for muscular dystrophy he'd just created and come back when he had an expensive lifelong treatment plan instead of a one-shot cure.

...Look, there's a reason why Batman is willing to help Clark dispose of the body if Clark ever decided to just kill Lex.

Out of curiosity, what was the food?

So the song that plays when Sonic is giving this rousing speech to Clue, telling him to just press ahead instead of regretting his choices is a remix of It Doesn't Matter from the Sonic Adventure games.

A song about having self-confidence and living without regrets.

So if you ask about turning you into robots he'll state that he hasn't done that in a long time... This is weird becuase I could have sworn that Robotization was only a thing in Sonic SatAM and Archie Sonic.

Okay, Conductor, I did not sign the permission slip for that feels trip.

Zodi, this Train's AI was programmed by Eggman though. And t was still able to have last word after the Flicky was removed.

Personacity is not, in fact, a word. I googled it.

So I think this is the first time they explicitly depict the relationship between MEtal Sonic and Eggman as a Father/Son relationship I know that fans joke about that a bit, but... Yeah, he's just wearing a shirt acknowledging Eggman as his dad. He's got a little flag and everything, he's into this.

Hmm... If Clue sticks with the Gig, that's basically his arrear trajectory... But if he doesn't, he might get invited to the next party/adventure.

I want to know if the options stay the same or change depending on your choices with that last bit. Becuase "I stuck with the gig, but then I won a million dollars so now I own a supermarket" would be an amusing train of thought, pun not intended.

Now, I never would have beaten this in a million years as those platfomring segments were ****ing with my eyes something fierce

@Raz: I mean, they're pretty heavy with the Dragon Ball references in Sonic so I'd say it counts as a Shoen Battle series.