Initial thoughts on AV/bladescape:
I wouldn't put this past a AV/bladescape wolf-pair, but it seems too odd to do it while neither have any heat. Well, I guess that's actually the safest time to protect your scumbuddy... but both of them can be tricksey enough that WIFOM spirals a ton. I have a townread gut on both of them, but don't trust it a ton. AV didn't vote bladescape, so her words don't have a lot of weight.

I think I get AV's point. Here's why (might be rephrasing/summarizing her argument, but I'm trying to put it into my words/thought process):
Most any townie, if targeted by Marin, would share "I got targeted by Marin". The wolves know if Marin is out there and know who Marin targeted. It doesn't hurt town at all to share that info.
The only risk is outting oneself to the wolves as an info-gatherer or not. In that regard, bladescape is an odd choice because he's more likely to sow misinformation alongside telling the town. (I'm reminded of Valmark's game where he softclaimed baner as vanillager and such was incredibly helpful for town.) So, yeah, choosing bladescape was suboptimal as he's less likely to leak extra info while sharing useful info.
But, as bladescape noted, a suboptimal plan does not mean the wolves didn't do it. Just means AV isn't a wolf (or, if you want WIFOM/paranoia, she is a wolf, wolves targeted bladescape, and this entire conversation was preplanned to discredit blade and gain AV towncred. But I'd rather not contemplate that many layers of deception.)

That's if bladescape is town. Now to ponder if he's wolf.
If Marin is not in play, I could see wolf!bladescape making this claim. It gains towncred, sows misinformation, and doesn't hurt the wolves at all.
If Marin is in play... there's still those reasons for wolf!bladescape to make this claim. At first I was thinking it wouldn't be worthwhile to risk wasting a void N1, but, as AV pointed out, the odds of actually hitting an info-gatherer are low. Perhaps it would make sense to wait N1, say you were targeted by Marin, and by D3 when a real townie has been targeted you are basically considered town. Yeah, I can see that play as a tricksey play. And bladescape is tricksey enough to propose it.

All that said, others looks more suspicious. And I don't think the "bladescape is a lying wolf" is very likely. But I'll warrant it's a believable scenario.

Quote Originally Posted by AvatarVecna View Post
Oohhhh okay. I'm willing to reciprocate. Praise be to Aidia.

EDIT: Don't think too deep on it. Just about names is all.
FYI: in a prior game, Illven effectively claimed a role to AV via alluding to a play-by-post game both were in. I assume this is the same thing, and AV now knows what role Illven is claiming.
(Of course, if Vector is in play, doesn't mean Illven isn't a wolf claiming a safe fakeclaim.)