Majora's Mask 18: Loop 6, Day 1-2
Yeah getting everything in Majora's Mask done in one loop sounds like a speedrunner challenge.

its okay, do this however you much I want, I'm just keeping track of the loops for my own amusement.

Romani asks if he understands
Link remembers all his past lives of killing and fighting and replies
"More than you know"
with trauma eyes

ah Legend of the Zelda, the only franchise where putting on a cowhat makes you recognized as a full and responsible adult.

Link: don't question why I suddenly became a Deku or why there are suddenly two of me, these things just happen
fishman: okay.

Troupe Leader: I had to make this mask of myself to express my sadness artistically......I'm not a very creative person. Honestly this might be why I'm not a very good troupe leader.

Tatl: hey how good you think the Chateau Romani tastes?
Link: I dunno, lets find out
*drops 200 rubies, takes a sip*
Tatl: well? hows it taste?
Link: eh, its a little better.