Quote Originally Posted by Keltest View Post
Earth ships maintain simulated gravity with rotating sections, as does the station itself. I believe its even mentioned a couple times that the gravity changes when you get near the center. The bridge is unlikely to be in the middle then. Certainly on the station it is exposed and has blast shields to close over the windows in case of assault.
The Babylon 5 bridge does have a couple excuses. Despite being run by the military, it isn't a military installation. The defenses are quite light and were originally designed to hold off pirates. The bridge might still have been put near the center...except its located on the end below the docking arms, meaning that they CAN eyeball ships coming in to dock. There's still a bit of a scale issue (the bridge looks a lot further from the docking arms than I would have placed it if you're going to put a window in it) but it's a lot more justifiable than many.