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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Re: [WFRP2e] The Power of One - Part 2 - "Transire Benefaciendo"

    Taalia Giovanni

    In an ironic twist it was almost the Dwarf that babbled nonsensically at Taalia in such a way that would have ensnared her mind and rooted her to the spot.

    "Yeged stonesunya donglitz agiverdah!"

    Narrowing her eyes within her helmet, a wave of puzzled text scrolled past the shepardess' eyes as the dwarfs incoherent babbling reached her from that deep, gutteral throat.

    Then he charged.

    Taalia only had experience fighting alongside dwarves, never against them, and so it was an...unusual sight for one of such shorter stature to come thundering down upon her like a heavy oaken barrel on short, but able legs. The Spudmeisters first swing would have been a painful one, but thankfully Taalia recovered enough of her senses to bring her club about and swat the hamfisted glove that would have smacked her hard in the knee.

    But what came next was a relentless procession of hamemrblows - again and again and again. The dwarf punched and threw his considerable weight about, smashing his body up against the girl in an attempt to take her out of the fight in accordance with his temporary allegience. Such was his feorcity one blow even made it through her defences, the girl hissing through gritted teeth as she felt that thick fist impact her right thigh.

    It had been one thing to see the dwarf in action from a distance, but it was quite enough to actually receive it in person. All in all, Taalia was a surprisingly skilled combatant, demonstrating both skill and vigor. But she recognised a superior opponent when she saw it and she knew she had to do something to buy Daniele time that didn't involve her attempting to knock the dwarf out senselsss. (as if such a thing were even possible)

    And so, Taalia swung her club...but it was easily batted away. Then she stepped back...and back...and back, carefully using her long legs and footwork as she drew the dwarf away.


    Taalia is on 13/17 wounds.

    Taalia is disengaging 3 squares in the safest direction.

    Note that charging requires at least 4 squares to build up momentum. So next round the most the dwraf could do is hurry up to her and do 1 attack.

    She can't beat him, so she's stalling for time.
    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2023-05-13 at 12:32 AM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger