Quote Originally Posted by ”memnarch's comments on Ep. 2310”
There's obviously plenty of other empty huts around that she could have used rather than going to sleep on a rock bench, so there's gotta be a point for this particular spot.
Not spoilering this as I haven't actually seen this movie, or the one after, so I don't know what's happening here.

But given what I've heard about the incoherence of the series as a whole, I'm wondering how much we can actually apply "conservation of detail" here. One of the most fun things about Darths and Droids has been where the comic writers come up with a proper explanation for character actions, which haven't been explained in the films but just glossed over with "it's a Space Adventure! Just go with it". I wonder if this is one of those places.

(Maybe I'm just jaded from reading the QC thread though, where "author didn't think this through, like, at all" has been a running complaint.)