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Thread: Cyre Red (IC)

  1. - Top - End - #448
    Ogre in the Playground
    purepolarpanzer's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    The Frozen Northlands

    Default Re: Cyre Red (IC)

    First Sergeant Honor
    Warforged Paladin of Conquest
    AC: 19 HP: 10/64 THP:
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 14
    Concentrating on:
    5 / 5 d10 HD
    Spell Slots- 1/4 1st, 0/2 2nd
    Lay on Hands- 0/25

    Honor looked to the Iron Witch, then down at his own body. He moves to extend his arm, trembled half way, then forces the movement with his other arm, resulting in the loud sound of mechanics shearing and chugging. "I am heavily damaged, I have one spell, none of which heal. I faded out mid combat. The only thing keeping me up is Adam's magic." He nods to the cleric in way of silent thanks. "Making due... ready to request a transfer to the back line. Any opposed?" He walked silently towards the rear of the group, joints squeaking all the way and one leg dragging slightly. He reached down, and with a sound of bending metal he withdrew the bolt that had pierced his armor, snaps it, and saves the fletched end, tucking it into his bag.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Honor is going to have to be on the bench for a bit. Walking head first into a room of suicide frogs and getting shot- confirmed to hurt.

    Last edited by purepolarpanzer; 2023-05-22 at 12:37 PM.
    The Bear is Back.