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Thread: The Chosen Jerk [OOC]

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    London, UK

    Default Re: The Chosen Jerk [OOC]

    Isembard Trelawney, butler to the Coventry family. Isembard, or Ice to his friends, was a relatively recent addition to the household, arriving far too late to reverse the general damage done during Jack’s upbringing. He’s seen his fair share of incompetent people being shoved into positions of prominence, however, coming from a military background as he does. He was formerly a quartermaster to the Old Sparrowdale Regiment, then retired to serve as a butler to an actually competent colonel when they were honourably discharged during the dissolving of their regiment after being devastated in a rearguard action. The other scattered survivors of the regiment, and the many widows and orphans, are the closest thing to a family that Isembard has, and he has kept up a regular correspondence with many, some of whom he and the colonel supported financially. After his very good friend the colonel died defending a nearby village from a monster attack, Ice moved on to the Coventry household, whose previous butler had been driven to drink.

    Skills: Broad range of generally practical skills, particularly good at logistics and organisation, appraisal of people and goods, haggling. Many old contacts around from his military days. Competent and ruthless but a little rusty with weapons. Capable of very minor magics that made his life a lot easier (roughly along the lines described by the 3.5 level 0 spell Prestidigitation). Has some money put aside, much if it tied up in investments in businesses of other Old Sparrowdalers.

    Gear: He’s planned ahead for this day, and has prepared a wagonload of old military surplus equipment, plus a team of horses. He carries a flashy cavalry sabre he inherited from the colonel and has also equipped himself with other ex-military gear in anticipation of the quest (spear, shield, dagger crossbow, gambeson, chainmail and helm). The wagon comes with plenty of trail rations, water storage, basic medical supplies, basic tools, clothing, tents, bedroll and other assorted gear, plus backpacks and saddlebags for going where wheeled vehicles cannot.
    Last edited by paddyfool; 2023-06-14 at 03:01 AM.