Tres is the third daughter (and, overall, fourth child of the Coventries), whence her name comes (she's not amused and prefers to go by Dove). Tiny, pear-shaped and fully blue-yellow colourblind, Tres/Dove has an uncanny talent in (or, as the case might be, uncanny tendency to and great aptitude for) enganging with two general spheres of activity: climbing things and breaking things other than her own bones (examples ranging from fragile objects dropped entirely by accident to complex and sturdy mechanisms essentially sabotaged beyond repair in a rather skillful and very deliberate manner). She used to have a third fondly cherished pastime activity as well: since she hates her family name almost as much as her given name (which, though it is generally assumed to be a by-effect of the name's best known proud owner being none other than Jack, actually results from her not liking how it sounds all that much), she kept randomly proposing to people with interesting surnames for years at end – until her parents politely asked her to be so nice as to stop. Using her free time so found, she currently studies with the sages best versed in engineering, hoping to become an architect. Though her parents, well-meaning as they are, readily finance these studies, everyone other than Dove, said parents included, think this is a really bad idea. Given the aforementioned nature of the usual interactions between her and the wonders of technology, everyone else is probably right.

As for her relationship with her famed sibling, Dove doesn't particularly mind being overshadowed (she's hardly a morose loner, but nor is she good public person material – something she understands far better than Jack would appear to) and while she thinks he's an idiot, she's, in fact, quite fond of him. Granted, that likely has more to do with her finding the annoyed sounds Jack makes when she jumps on his back from ambush irresistably funny, but still.

Oh, and a few contacts we'll likely never meet:
–Mandor Hermadar, Head of the Committee for Managing Public Greeneries and Places of Rest; brother-in-law (more precisely, the husband of the eldest Coventry girl, Carolin);
–Chief Ensign Galba Hornbill; close friend and the former sweetheart of Dove's younger brother, Second Lieutenant Clement "Clem" Coventry (talk about awkward);
–Shirakh Yesenin (totally not a prophet); a fellow student at the Academy of Worldly Arts, specializing in history; his mid-to-long term prognoses, though based on perfectly sound logic, are invariably wrong, a fact he's aware of and uses to predict the future;
–Merill Lime-Spada; heiress to the owners of the second largest orchard in the Indos countryside; Dove loves the apricot wine they produce;
–Oder Regius, (the YOUNGEST EVER) Member of the Committee to Administer Walls and Defensive Structures; politely asked Tres to stop scaling the city walls once.