Book thinks to himself, "Another point for the need to carry a dagger..." and tries again to get his sidearm out. Aiming this time not up but in front of him, hoping not to hit Harrrim and fires twice.

Spoiler: Technical Information

SA: Attempt to draw sidearm

If roll fails, use Turn of Fate (Su): 1/day, he can reroll any failed roll he has just made. He must accept the results of the second roll.

SwA: Enact Lucky Strike (Su): 1/ minute, SwA, he can apply a true strike effect to the next single attack he makes before his next turn.

Attack 1 w/ RS: (1d20+14)[32]

Attack 2 w/ RS: (1d20+9)[16]

Dmg 1: (1d8+5)[10]

Dmg 2: (1d8+5)[10]