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    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Tomboys and Troublemakers Part V: Zut zut zut and a Bottle of Bourdeleaux

    Régine von Carstein


    Spoiler: Personal Details

    Name: Regine von Carstein
    Nickname: Loup (Bretonnian for 'Wolf')
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Hair: Black.
    Eyes: Green when using Pass for Human, Blood Red when not.
    Handed: Right Handed
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 70kg
    Religion: Morr.
    Birthplace: L'Anguille, Bretonnia.
    Career: Vampire Thrall
    Former Careers: Ex-Thief, Ex-Cat Burglar, Ex-Master Thief

    Spoiler: Prior Life
    A surprisingly fit and athletic looking young woman from Bretonnia, Regine is a talented graduate of the School of Hard Knocks and the University of Getting the Dung Kicked out of Her. Raised in the underworld of the port city of L'Anguille, she is an orphan whom, for a low-born girl in Bretonnia, had two basic options in life: the brothels or pickpocketing. Regine chose the latter and proved to possess a natural talent for the craft to the point that she became a fully-fledged home-invading thief in her mid-teenage years. From the houses of wealthy, fat merchants to even the vaults of less organized banks, Regine could infiltrate before making off with sacks of curvaceous girth. But, the underworld is the underworld, and she wasn't the only criminal plying their trade within the expansive, prosperous city of L'Anguille. Thieves guilds did not take kindly to a skilled, rogue agent such as she, nor did merchants enjoy arriving at their warehouses following a break in. She made enemies, though few actually knew her name, and though something of a self-serving rogue, Regine played by the general unwritten rules of the criminal landscape, until a botched job almost saw her captured, while racketeers of an temporary employer were nicked in her place. Blamed for the screw-up, though maintaining her innocence, Regine had to pay exorbitant sums to the right people to ensure she didn't end up face down in a river. This gave her the breathing room necessary to pull off a few more small jobs to re-acquire some coin. Nevertheless, the affair soured the girls tastes to her home-town, as she now, for the first time, looks beyond the walls of her city for a means to move on to greener pastures.

    Regine has made a surprisingly stellar reputation as one of the best thieves in the city, given that she's a young woman in the Bretonnian underworld. It's a world into which she was born, raised and unlike 99% of girls inhabiting it, she did not resort to the brothels or madamhood. Instead she was something of a tom boy, with a more masculine personality that is fiercely independent. Her nickname, 'Loup', is one that is not supposed to be intimidating, but is instead a term of endearment. During her first solo job, Regine managed to steal a case from a nobles carriage and brought it to her boss, believing that it was filled with beautiful - and expensive - nobles clothing that could be fenced for a princely sum. Instead, when they opened the chest they were greeted with half a dozen beautiful wolf pelts. Not quite the pay-day one was hoping, followed by jokes that she had stolen from a family of werewolves, but the nickname, and the playful spirit behind it, stuck.

    As a side hustle Regine would run invite-only card games, paying off the authorities to look away and hiring local brothel workers to liven the games up and keep the players gambling. Naturally, she'd give a cut of her proceeds to the local gang to ensure they got their taste.

    The newest von Carstein vampire in the Known Worlde. Tall, sleek and athletic, raven-haired and pale-skinned, Regine von Carsteins angular features frame a pair of green eyes that stare with an enthusiastic intelligence. Though the prior six months had seen her on something of a redemptive arc over prior thievery-related misdeeds, her travels with the Company of the Burning Slug were tragically cut short by the intrusion of the von Carstein bloodline. Recruited against her will and turned at night in her sleep, Regine attempted to avert the fate to spare both herself and her companions by hurling herself from the Bell Tower of Turris Vigilans, but sadly she was too far transformed, and her emergent vampiric nature preserved her enough to be whisked away into the night, before she awoke among her new family: the von Carsteins.

    Regine has taken her transformation into a vampire surprisingly well, given the preparations she took before its initiation to deliver her soul to Morr. Blessed (or cursed) with a body that no longer fears disease, wasting or time, her image has been preserved for the ages and she is an initiate to the vampiric ways, as well as the lore of her clan. Though psychologically changed by her suicidal efforts and transformation, Regine does not exhibit the cruelty or domineering malice one expects when dealing with her kind. This could be because her mortal soul has detached from her undead body and gone on to eternal rest with Morr, thus eschewing the worst impulses of mankind from her actions due to the absence of the souls worse, base impulses. It might perhaps be because of her relative youth, having not yet had her ego inflated, her sense of entitlement fed and her attachment to humanity returning as she travels in the human lands. Whatever the case, she lacks the sadism and needless bloodlust of the vampire, which perhaps allows her to walk among the kine all the easier, and possibly rendering her capable of forming emotional bonds with those she once tried to spare.

    As a vampire, Regine faces a potential eternity stretching out before her. She can go where she wants to go, see what she wants to see, do what she wants to do, learn what she wants to learn, she can be anything she wants to be. Time is no longer her enemy, so it remains to be seen what path she will place herself on for the next century, and how she will be influenced by the mortals around her. In this capacity her emotions are cooler and rather desensitized, but are capable of being roused to great heights with sufficient evocation. Additionally, though she is not of a wicked mindset, one should not mistake her for a saint, as she is still a vampire, possessed of a newly installed killer instinct that enjoys its opportunity to be unleashed on deserving individuals.

    Grand Father: Count Heinrich von Carstein.
    Mother: Camile von Castein
    Uncle: Wulf von Carstein.
    Uncle: Ulrich von Carstein.

    M WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W FP IP
    Base 4 36 36 39 39 38 42 43 35 1 11 3 1
    Advance - +20/20 +20/20 +15/20 +10/15 +40/40 +20/25 +10/20 +20/25 +1/1 +6/6 - 1
    Current 6 66 56 64 64 93 67 63 65 3 23/23 3 0

    XP: 6,600 total/6,600 spent

    Spoiler: Skills

    Common Knowledge (Bretonnia), Speak Language (Breton), Charm, Concealment +20%, Evaluate, Disguise +10%, Dodge Blow, Lip Reading, Pick Lock +20%, Perception +10%, Haggle, Gamble, Gossip +10%, Read/Write, Search +10%, Scale Sheer Surface +10%, Sleight of Hand +10%, Secret Language (Thieves Tongue), Secret Signs (Thief), Silent Move +20%, Swim, Ride.

    Spoiler: Talents

    Mimic (Excellent at mimicking accents: +10% to Disguise when vocal aspect is part of disguise)
    Savvy (+5% to Intelligence)
    Alley Cat (+10% to Concealment and Silent Move in urban environments)
    Super Numerate (+10% to Navigation and Gamble, and +20% to perception checks involving gauging distance)
    Streetwise (+10% to Gossip and Charm when dealing with the underworld)
    Trapfinder (+10% to Perception and Lock Picking when dealing with traps)
    Street Fighting (+10% WS when fighting unarmed and +1 damage when fighting unarmed)
    Specialist Weapon Group (Crossbow)
    Night Vision (Can see in natural darkness out to 30 feet)
    Swashbuckler (May leap as a Half action and may use to Disengage without provoking attacks of opportunity, and increases distance leapt by 1 yard)

    Spoiler: Traits

    Blood Gifts (Blood Drain, Natural Necromancer, Vampire’s Curse, Pass for Human, Unholy Regeneration, Bat Form)
    Frightening (Causes Fear)
    Natural Weapons (Fangs, Claws)
    Keen Senses (+20% perception tests)
    Vampire Weaknesses: Religious Symbols, Stakes, Tears (Cannot feed off the innocent), No Reflection, Daemonsroot and Witchesbane, Barriers.

    Spoiler: Trappings

    File set, lock picks, 30 yard rope, 1x set of good manacles, Deck of Cards, Bone Dice, 5x spikes, 1 wooden spike, 2x backpack, Best pair of riding boots, Good gloves, Good quality girdle, 6x Good quality small pouches, 1 Best quality purse, 1x large dark tent.

    10x sets of good clothes.

    1x Nobles garb of black and gold.

    1x good quality red cloak and hood.

    1x good quality black cloak and hood.

    1x good quality face mask (like a bandits mask)

    3x Best quality perfumes.

    1x 5% ownership of soon-to-be-restored Silver Mine in north-west Seigneurie de Bellecombe (her starting zone) and 5% of its monthly gross revenue.

    1x Best Quality Bretonnian Custard Tarte pie, gift wrapped.
    1x Garland of roses.

    For Blood:
    Grooming Kit, Harness, Saddle, 4 Saddlebags.


    Spoiler: Midnight

    Gromgril longsword 'Midnight', Group (Ordinary), Damage (SB+1(7)), Special (+5% WS when used, Defensive, Gromril).

    "A weapon of legend granted to the House of DuBois in ages past by a dwarven king for the sacrifice and valour of the Bretonnians during the Battle of Blackwater Plains against a horde of orcs, Midnight was passed from generation to generation until being lost in battle against the Beastmen of Chaos centuries later. Though House DuBois has long fallen into ruin, Midnight served a darker purpose in the hands of the agents of Chaos, until an unlikely being retrieved the weapon from the hands of Baelgor the Brutal. In particular, the snakes-head pommel, its eyes a pair of rubies, was adopted by the child of the night as her personal sigil: a snake."

    Good quality spear, Group (Ordinary), Damage (SB(6)), Special (Fast)
    Good quality bow, Group (Ordinary), Damage (3), Range (24/48), Reload Half, Special (None), Quiver with x20 arrows.
    Best quality dagger, Group (Ordinary), Damage (SB(-3(3)), Special (+5 WS when using).

    Good quality Shield (Ordinary), Damage (SB-2), Defensive, Special.

    Sleeved Mail Shirt (Body, Arms AP 2), Leather leggings (Legs, AP 1)

    10gc in gold coins.
    183 silver coins (9.15gc)


    Spoiler: Bat Form

    Bat Form

    M WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W FP IP
    Current 2(8) 33 0 31 30 34 67 63 65 2 23/23 3 0

    Common Knowledge (Bretonnia), Speak Language (Breton), Charm, Concealment +20%, Evaluate, Disguise +10%, Dodge Blow, Lip Reading, Pick Lock +20%, Perception +20%, Haggle, Gamble, Gossip +10%, Read/Write, Search +10%, Scale Sheer Surface +10%, Sleight of Hand +10%, Secret Language (Thieves Tongue), Secret Signs (Thief), Silent Move +20%, Swim, Ride.

    Mimic (Excellent at mimicking accents: +10% to Disguise when vocal aspect is part of disguise)
    Savvy (+5% to Intelligence)
    Alley Cat (+10% to Concealment and Silent Move in urban environments)
    Super Numerate (+10% to Navigation and Gamble, and +20% to perception checks involving gauging distance)
    Streetwise (+10% to Gossip and Charm when dealing with the underworld)
    Trapfinder (+10% to Perception and Lock Picking when dealing with traps)
    Street Fighting (+10% WS when fighting unarmed and +1 damage when fighting unarmed)
    Specialist Weapon Group (Crossbow)
    Night Vision (Can see in natural darkness out to 30 feet)
    Swashbuckler (May leap as a Half action and may use to Disengage without provoking attacks of opportunity, and increases distance leapt by 1 yard)
    Strike Mighty Blow (+1 to Melee damage)

    Blood Gifts (Blood Drain, Natural Necromancer, Vampire’s Curse, Pass for Human, Unholy Regeneration, Bat Form)
    Blood Gift (Pass for Normal Bat (removes Frightening))
    Frightening (Causes Fear)
    Natural Weapons (Fangs, Claws)
    Keen Senses (+20% perception tests)
    Enhanced Senses (Can see out in complete darkness out to 30 yards using a form of echolocation, Perception check to hear your efforts.
    Vampire Weaknesses: Religious Symbols, Stakes, Tears (Cannot feed off the innocent), No Reflection, Daemonsroot and Witchesbane, Barriers.

    Spoiler: Blood


    M WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W FP IP
    Base 8 30 0 40 40 30 10 10 0 1 14 - 1

    Skills: Perception, Swim
    Talents: Acute Hearing, Keen Senses
    Attack: Powerful Hooves, d10+5 Damage

    Spoiler: Advances

    Choosing Career Tax (Thief) (100xp)

    Free Advance Wounds +1

    WS +5 (100)
    BS +5 (100)
    Ag +15 (300)
    Fel +10 (200)

    wounds +1 (100)

    Scale Sheer Surface (100)
    Disguise (100)
    Gamble (100)
    Sleight of Hand (100)
    Secret Signs (Thief) (100)

    Streetwise (100)
    Trapfinder (100)

    Exit Career: Cat Burglar (100)

    = 1,600

    WS +5 (100)
    BS +5 (100)
    Str +5 (100)
    T +5 (100)
    Ag +10 (200)
    Int +10 (200)
    WP +10 (200)

    Wounds +2 (200)

    Concealment +10 (100)
    Gossip +10 (100)
    Haggle (100)
    Perception +10 (100)
    Pick Lock +10 (100)
    Scale Sheer Surfaces +10 (100)
    Search +10 (100)
    Silent Move +10 (100)

    Street Fighting (100)

    Exit: Master Thief (100)

    = 2,200

    Next: Master Thief
    Concealment +20 (100)
    Disguise +10 (100)
    Dodge Blow (100)
    Lip Reading (100)
    Pick Lock +20 (100)
    SIlent Move +20 (100)
    Sleight of Hand +10 (100)
    Swim (100)

    Specialist Weapon Group (crossbow) (100)

    Attacks +1 (100)

    BS +10 (200)
    Agl +15 (300)
    WS +10 (200)
    Fel +10 (200)

    +2 wounds (200)
    +10 Int (200)


    = 2,400

    = 6,200

    Vampire Thrall (Von Carstein):
    S +10 (200)
    T +5 (100)

    Ride (100)

    = 6,600

    Regine von Carstein

    Regine von Carstein

    Regine von Carstein

    Spoiler: Old Sheet

    Régine "Loup" Lacroix

    Spoiler: Regine image

    Spoiler: Personal Details

    Name: Regine Lacroix
    Nickname: Loup (Bretonnian for 'Wolf')
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Hair: Chesnut/Auburn.
    Eyes: Green.
    Handed: Right Handed
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 70kg
    Religion: Ranald.
    Birthplace: L'Anguille, Bretonnia.
    Career: Master Thief
    Former Careers: Ex-Thief, Ex-Cat Burglar

    A surprisingly fit and athletic looking young woman from Bretonnia, Regine is a talented graduate of the School of Hard Knocks and the University of Getting the Dung Kicked out of Her. Raised in the underworld of the port city of L'Anguille, she is an orphan whom, for a low-born girl in Bretonnia, had two basic options in life: the brothels or pickpocketing. Regine chose the latter and proved to possess a natural talent for the craft to the point that she became a fully-fledged home-invading thief in her mid-teenage years. From the houses of wealthy, fat merchants to even the vaults of less organized banks, Regine could infiltrate before making off with sacks of curvaceous girth. But, the underworld is the underworld, and she wasn't the only criminal plying their trade within the expansive, prosperous city of L'Anguille. Thieves guilds did not take kindly to a skilled, rogue agent such as she, nor did merchants enjoy arriving at their warehouses following a break in. She made enemies, though few actually knew her name, and though something of a self-serving rogue, Regine played by the general unwritten rules of the criminal landscape, until a botched job almost saw her captured, while racketeers of an temporary employer were nicked in her place. Blamed for the screw-up, though maintaining her innocence, Regine had to pay exorbitant sums to the right people to ensure she didn't end up face down in a river. This gave her the breathing room necessary to pull off a few more small jobs to re-acquire some coin. Nevertheless, the affair soured the girls tastes to her home-town, as she now, for the first time, looks beyond the walls of her city for a means to move on to greener pastures.

    Regine has made a surprisingly stellar reputation as one of the best thieves in the city, given that she's a young woman in the Bretonnian underworld. It's a world into which she was born, raised and unlike 99% of girls inhabiting it, she did not resort to the brothels or madamhood. Instead she was something of a tom boy, with a more masculine personality that is fiercely independent. Her nickname, 'Loup', is one that is not supposed to be intimidating, but is instead a term of endearment. During her first solo job, Regine managed to steal a case from a nobles carriage and brought it to her boss, believing that it was filled with beautiful - and expensive - nobles clothing that could be fenced for a princely sum. Instead, when they opened the chest they were greeted with half a dozen beautiful wolf pelts. Not quite the pay-day one was hoping, followed by jokes that she had stolen from a family of werewolves, but the nickname, and the playful spirit behind it, stuck.

    As a side hustle Regine would run invite-only card games, paying off the authorities to look away and hiring local brothel workers to liven the games up and keep the players gambling. Naturally, she'd give a cut of her proceeds to the local gang to ensure they got their taste.

    Father: Unknown.
    Mother: Unknown.
    Brother: Unknown.
    Brother: Unknown.

    M WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W FP IP
    Base 4 36 36 39 39 38 42 43 35 1 11 3 0
    Advance - +20/20 +20/20 +5/10 +5/10 +40/40 +20/25 +10/20 +20/25 +1/1 +6/6 - 1
    Current 4 56 56 44 44 78 67 53 55 2 17/17 3 0

    XP: 6,300 total/6,100 spent

    Spoiler: Skills

    Common Knowledge (Bretonnia), Speak Language (Breton), Charm, Concealment +20%, Evaluate, Disguise +10%, Dodge Blow, Lip Reading, Pick Lock +20%, Perception +10%, Haggle, Gamble, Gossip +10%, Read/Write, Search +10%, Scale Sheer Surface +10%, Sleight of Hand +10%, Secret Language (Thieves Tongue), Secret Signs (Thief), Silent Move +20%, Swim.

    Spoiler: Talents

    Mimic (Excellent at mimicking accents: +10% to Disguise when vocal aspect is part of disguise)
    Savvy (+5% to Intelligence)
    Alley Cat (+10% to Concealment and Silent Move in urban environments)
    Super Numerate (+10% to Navigation and Gamble, and +20% to perception checks involving gauging distance)
    Streetwise (+10% to Gossip and Charm when dealing with the underworld)
    Trapfinder (+10% to Perception and Lock Picking when dealing with traps)
    Street Fighting (+10% WS when fighting unarmed and +1 damage when fighting unarmed)
    Specialist Weapon Group (crossbow)

    Spoiler: Trappings

    Light Armour (Leather Jerkin), Sack, Lockpicks, 10 Yards of Rope, set of clothes, dagger, backpack, blanket, mug & cutlery, a hand weapon, purse, slingbag, hood, low boots, disguise kit, deck of cards, grappling hook, bone dice.

    5 sets of common quality clothes
    - 2 sets of good clothes
    - Leather jack + leggings
    - Bottle of Best Bretonnian Spirits

    Repeater Crossbow, Dmg 2, Range 16/32, Reload Free, Special (Make 10 shots before needing to reload, 4 rounds).
    Best Quality Quarterstaff, Dmg Str-2, Range -, Special (+5 WS when using, Defensive, Pummeling).
    Misericorde of Poisonous Malice, Dmg Str-4, Special (Magic Dagger and +4 wounds from Black Lotus)

    Light Armour (Leather) 1 AP to Arms, Body and Legs.

    22 Bretonnian gold and 1 Silver


    100gc - Repeater Crossbow

    16gc = 320 silver.

    Best Quality Quarterstaff - 9 silver
    Slingbag - 40 silver
    Hood - 5 silver
    Low Boots - 18 silver
    Disguise Kit - 100 silver
    Deck of Cards - 20 silver
    Grappling Hook - 80 silver
    Bone Dice - 6 silver

    50 crossbow bolts - 20 silver

    22 silver left

    Spoiler: Advances

    Choosing Career Tax (Thief) (100xp)

    Free Advance Wounds +1

    WS +5 (100)
    BS +5 (100)
    Ag +15 (300)
    Fel +10 (200)

    wounds +1 (100)

    Scale Sheer Surface (100)
    Disguise (100)
    Gamble (100)
    Sleight of Hand (100)
    Secret Signs (Thief) (100)

    Streetwise (100)
    Trapfinder (100)

    Exit Career: Cat Burglar (100)

    = 1,600

    WS +5 (100)
    BS +5 (100)
    Str +5 (100)
    T +5 (100)
    Ag +10 (200)
    Int +10 (200)
    WP +10 (200)

    Wounds +2 (200)

    Concealment +10 (100)
    Gossip +10 (100)
    Haggle (100)
    Perception +10 (100)
    Pick Lock +10 (100)
    Scale Sheer Surfaces +10 (100)
    Search +10 (100)
    Silent Move +10 (100)

    Street Fighting (100)

    Exit: Master Thief (100)

    = 2,200

    Next: Master Thief
    Concealment +20 (100)
    Disguise +10 (100)
    Dodge Blow (100)
    Lip Reading (100)
    Pick Lock +20 (100)
    SIlent Move +20 (100)
    Sleight of Hand +10 (100)
    Swim (100)

    Specialist Weapon Group (crossbow) (100)

    Attacks +1 (100)

    BS +10 (200)
    Agl +15 (300)
    WS +10 (200)
    Fel +10 (200)

    +2 wounds (200)
    +10 Int (200)

    = 2,300

    = 6,100

    Last edited by BananaPhone; Yesterday at 05:54 PM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger