R5T19: “With my final breath, I stab at the!” screams Fronaldo. His tiny dagger flashes out at the croc's head twice, the first landing in a vital spot to its skull through the upper palate for 12.

“Oh! Hi Zhan,”Fronaldo says distractedly on the second attack as he notices his friend. The attack is half-hearted, but it seems it was enough anyway as the tension throughout the croc's body relaxes and it drops. Its long snout extends and smashes down on its own eggs, but also is such that it keeps from submerging the mouth and flooding out Book.

R5T14: Seeing the massive monster drop and go inert, Aron stops her dance and delays ...

R5T13: Fronaldo has to work to get his dagger out of the roof of the croc's mouth, and in doing so, blood pours into the mouth and starts running into wherever Book is.

R5T7: Xhanfaerd, you are in the croc's mouth (which is closed, and therefore it is dark). What do you do?

Sersheelda on deck, Book in the hole ...