One of the stipulations of the Pact Primeval is that Baator can’t send Hellfire Engines to the material plane to bulldozer a few towns and lemure-ize their inhabitants souls regardless of those people’s alignment or lack of pacts. Now, if a mortal army decides invading Baator is a good idea on the other hand….

Quote Originally Posted by Spore View Post
Opened a ticket where Strahd was not properly simping for a mortal girl's soul: fixed.
I’ve actually been thinking of this for a while and I have one for the vampire himself. Underneath the matter of Tatyana, even underneath Sergei retaining his youth and innocence Strahd lost in the war, Strahd’s hatred of Sergei stems from one main source.

Strahd blames Sergei for their mother’s death. And with that in view, anyone coupling with Sergei would provoke an “absolutely not!” response in Strahd.