Quote Originally Posted by Crusher View Post
MitD being in magical darkness which probably gives some sort of protection.
To anyone not capable of seeing through magical darkness (or with blindisght, or a few other ways of ignoring it), 20% chance to miss with every attack due to concealment.

Quote Originally Posted by Crusher View Post
So, I suggest we consider whether a monster that seems generally tough and has a high enough flat-footed AC, but a DR that's either too low or too easily skipped, be something we should consider as answering the "MitD has good defenses" part of the tower scene. Maybe a 35 as a starting point? A flat-footed AC of 35 is nothing to sneeze at. Looking at he FBS list, the Glabrezu has a 27, the epic Slaads are 32 and 42, the ANB has a 20, the Protean has a 37, the Uvuudaum has a 38, the Xenocrysth is 33, and the Hunting Horror is probably around 20.
I am not in a position to dispute your numbers but, as with strength, I'd rather round down (to, say, 30, if your numbers bear out) rather than suggest a high degree of confidence through two digits of precision.