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Thread: Worse Than the Disease 2 IC

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worse Than the Disease 2 IC

    The doctors recommend the prisoner is kept apart from others, as he is wounded and may be vulnerable to disease because of that. They also fear he is planning something. Richard is allowed to move around only where most people do not regularly go - this restricts him to a few areas, Simone's room would be off-limits. Sean can wander a bit, but he should keep his physical distance from anyone not wearing the right PPE.

    Sean's contact to the Vermont Rangers gets an useful bit of information; there was an Old World city named Burlington (apparently 65 to 85 miles away from the radar base). It's believed there was a military base from Before there, that contains powerful artefacts known as F-35 fighter jets. Scavenging a power generator is often a matter of cobbling together parts easily gotten from city ruins and then assembling a semi-portable homemade steam engine out of them.
    (OC: see High-Tech page 14.)
    Of course, it's said stuff like solar panels and windmills can be found in Burlington, too.

    Old World electronics is often scavenged from The Gutter, if you can't find a good ruin like a Shelter or fight your way into a good technology stash spot in Springfield. Radio gear is hard to manufacture outside of Gunmetal, the remaining Old World artefacts of that nature is usually found at airports and military bases.

    The power bank is easy to recharge, if you've got the time. The base has battery chargers and cords for that.
    The travelers report waves of mutant animals, mostly twisted wolves, moving around the south end of The Long Trail. They have no idea what is going on there. They think staying out of the wilderness would be for the best right now.
    Sean hears a rumor; an Old World monstrosity has awoken from her 200-year slumber. She takes the form of a giant lion!

    Blackwire's mouthpiece meets Sean and helpfully discusses the situation. They will gladly take the water in bulk, they'll send a guy with a sedan over to transport it. The men under Blackwire's command (four gangs of armed deserters) are ready for action, they've carefully setting a wilderness camp in the meantime. Blackwire's rescued subordinates help immensely - they had the locations and lock codes for supply safes. Blackwire generously lets the exiles know such information, there's four safes hidden in various town ruins and outposts.

    The militia tools up, they now number about 20 permanently with another 10 to 15 less hardcore "weekend warriors". They all have guns, but most of their firearms are low-tech black powder or in bad condition.

    Sean's practice with the drone goes well enough. He avoids damaging it even he gets clumsy. His helpers report having problems spotting the drone when it is going fairly fast and especially far away, but it's easy to hear when it gets within moderate pistol range of a sentry. The sentries spot the drone almost every time when it is closer than 10 yards but only one-third of the time when it is at the fence line. When the drone's at the treeline (20 to 30 yards from the fence line), no-one at the base has a hope of spotting or hearing it.

    Tariq gets the work underway, well in hand. He figures it'll take another 2 or 3 days before they are close to done.
    Last edited by Shoot Da Moon; 2023-07-12 at 11:09 AM.
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