The Ranger nods, and signals to his men to settle in. They are eager to eat and drink, so they apparently ran out of food on the way over. The briefing goes smoothly. There is a large room in the base where the soldiers can set up tents and bedrolls.

The soldiers consider the issue of disease in The Gutter carefully. They may require full PPE to avoid the risk, they only have face masks, gloves and heavy clothing to avoid exposure right now. Scavenging an Old World hospital or buying from Red Brick is the most obvious way to secure a sealed suit these days. Going into The Gutter is not a big problem for the soldiers, they feel confident that they can overcome obstacles in there.

The soldiers suggest sending a light recon force up north-west to scout the region and see what’s up.

The soldiers are fine with scavenging promising sites for resources. They’ve done such things before.

Waiting a day is fine with them.

One of the Rangers comments that he’s heard the exiles are working with the Red Brick bosses and the Gunmetal elders. Is that true? Because he hears that some sort of conflict is brewing between the cities and he wants to know who is aligned with who.