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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Jumpers vs. 40k IC1: Worst. Isekai. Ever.

    The Black Library:
    "Okay, but do you want to look at any other prophecies?" asks the Solitaire

    Spoiler: Random Imperium Terms 2:

    -Wolves and Lions: the archives say they believed to be ancient terran animals that somehow found their way on other planets, for what reasons the Mechanicus do not know and can only speculate on the reasons why, which while its own fascinating scholarly pursuit, does not seem to be related to the prophecy or anything important. Its very likely that the use of these terms are poetic and not official.
    -The Eye of Terror: big giant hole into the Immaterium/Warp though, the Cadian Sector is filled with worlds to defend from it and is like, the main place where all Black Crusades that Abaddon the Despoiler launches though.
    -Black Crusade: a term for a war launched by Chaos Undivided forces, often led by the Black Legion of Space Marines who is led by Abaddon the Despoiler
    -Adepta Sororitas: the emperor's most holy all female religious warriors who fight for the Ecclesiarchy, formed due to a law about the church not being to keep "men at arms"
    -Saint Celestine: an Adepta Sororitas who achieved Living Saint status, has been known to reappear as an avenging angel from time to time in moments of dire need
    -Malcador: advisor to the Emperor, First Lord of Terra, grand master of assassins, powerful psyker in his own right, the list of accomplishments and deeds he has done would either be too much for a brief summary or too secret to be recorded anywhere but the most top secret of Inquisition files.
    -Roboute Guilliman: accomplished warrior and diplomat, this Primarch is hailed as a builder of civilizations as well as the Imperium's greatest preserver and reformer. His list of achievements is too great for a brief summary
    -Treaty of Olympus: a treaty the Emperor signed with the Adeptus Mechanicus to allow them to practice their religion in return for their technological knowledge aiding the Imperium and him being named the Omnissiah.
    -The Cadian Gate: area of calm space leading in and out of the Eye of Terror for reasons unknown
    -Blackstone Fortresses: ancient and powerful xeno fortresses of unknown origin, many Magos theorize they are of Eldar origin make due to Eldar calling them "Talismans of Vaul" but their make does not resemble anything the Eldar create today. these are probably what that "fortresses of blackened stone" line are referring to.
    -Horus Heresy: at seven years long, a relatively short war but perhaps the most important one in Imperial history where Horus Lupercal rebelled against the Emperor. This particular war has so much information on it there is no way to summarize it here, its incredibly confusing, its events span the entire galaxy and it practically is the event that leads to the modern state of the galaxy. This one could like take forever to explain, especially filtered through the ignorant, propagandizing and censoring nature of the Imperium.

    There is more things here, but the Inquisition seems to love to censor Chaos most of the time. Its almost as if they're trying to eliminate even thinking about them. stuff you do find are clearly Magos doing their own heretical research in secret, and due to the corrupting nature of Chaos....these can't be trusted.

    It occurs to you that some terms may be similarly poetic and thus aren't used in an official capacity or recorded, or are terms for things that haven't happened yet and thus wouldn't be found in any archive at this point in time. It also occurs to you that Eldar and thus their prophecies don't seem to be particularly straightforward or direct normally, and that these Solitaires are being uncommonly straight-talking with you, probably because of the whole "saving Isha" thing.

    Meanwhile, Kalli:
    She has gotten herself into a Adept outfit by mind crushing one of the many adepts of Terra going about trying to organize the paperwork constantly coming in from who knows how many worlds. The Emperor walks beside her like a ghost as they go through the endless golden halls of Terra's continent-spanning bureaucracy. No one paid any attention to her as long as she walked quickly enough, for they were all busy with something or other.
    "Are you sure, getting rid of that guy was the right thing to do?"
    "Completely. I can assure you that particular Adept was corrupt, taking bribes to speed certain processes along rather than going through the proper channels"
    Which had been actually making things more efficient rather than bogging his job down in millennia of red tape, but she did not need to know that.
    "Is there
    "Don't look at any organizational graphs for the Administratum, my chosen champion."
    The God-Emperor cautions her.
    "Somehow its complexities stray into mathematics and geometries bizarre and alien to even I."
    "Okay, but what are we walking to?"
    "Before we can get what we are coming here for, we must go to where its hidden. My greatest servant and advisor, Malcador the Hero was once known as Malcador the Sigillite. He once belonged to an order of people who preserved knowledge. Even at my side, he kept many curiosities and preserved as much human history as he could....as well as locked away many things that normally should remain so. We are going to the Archive of the Sigillite on Terra, the city-sized vault where Malcador hid all of his greatest secrets. There we will find something that will empower you greatly."
    "Wait, why can't you or the Primarchs use whatever it is? Why hide it away?"
    "It seems to work the most on those of humble origin. I guess its technically possible that someone of greater power could use it but.....to my knowledge, no known cases of it have happened."
    "What is it anyway?"
    The "God-Emperor" looks in a certain direction disturbed for a moment
    "God-Emperor? what is it?"
    "....Oh. Sorry. I was just distracted for a moment by the Great Enemy. Those unholy demons constantly besieging my devout and faithful Imperium as you know?"
    He lies. What was what? best get this done quicker then, Tzeentch thought.
    "Come now lets hurry."
    They increase their speed at his urging.

    "Why would we? We're...were loyal servants of the Emperor..."
    She speaks to the serfs of the late Invaders chapter:
    "Ah! But about this, your hereditary serfs yes? which mean you were born being a slave your entire life, not knowing anything else. Probably filled with all sorts of nonsense about caution and safety and stability and the like. But I ask you: why not take a chance? There is so much out there, so many wonders you can experience with freedom, and yes dangers as well- but if you don't taker a chance, life is not worth living!"
    She walks through the Battle barge saying this speech and similar ones like it, her anima sparking around her as she speaks with wicked, demonic charisma.
    "You live, die and breathe for a figure you've never met, but you can be more! You can get enraged, you can get powerful, happy, explorative, the entire range of the human experience, not through trading your enslavement to an Emperor to enslavement some dark god, but through your own will and choices! A galaxy that attempts to force you to think there only two choices- when there is so many more! Just because Chaos is evil does not mean the Emperor needs to be just, nor does the Emperor being evil mean Chaos isn't, nor does opposing Chaos mean accepting the Imperium as it is! i am here to show you a third path. A path where you are more than servants to some superhuman soldier mindwashed into being a weapon, a path where you throw away fear and caution to boldly go into a better world! The chains upon you are chains of thought, break them! Freedom may look terrifying especially in a world such as this- but bravery is the greatest rebellion! The bravery to trust others! The bravery to open yourself up rather than close yourself off! The bravery to be kind! Such a courage, is one that not even Khorne can achieve! And in such courage of others and yourself, find power that no authority or god can give you.

    Look upon these slaughtered space marines! All their augmentations, equipment, discipline, hatred and vigilance meant nothing, for they were not truly loyal to each other, but to some figure of power they all obeyed and thus closed themselves off from anyone but that figure- and thus from everyone, for who really hears the Emperor speak anymore? They died not because of some greater power, but because of their own hidden disunity underneath the surface. That could be the entire Imperium could be next if continues this self-destructive path."

    The more she speaks the more hope begins to glimmer in their eyes and people begin to put down their weapons, getting more convinced.
    "The power is within you! It was always within you! Fight not because the Emperor told you, not because of duty or some greater cause or whatever, but because of what you WANT, and I have faith that you want a better world, a better galaxy for yourself and others! But I am not recruiting you. I'm lbierating you, and thus I give you the first real choice anyone has ever given you: you can either stay and see what benefits working with me can provide......or you choose to go, and I will teleport you to a safe, normal Imperial world to start whatever life you think you can on your own- I cannot offer anything better with time I have. Thirdly you can of course, choose to attack me despite this generous offer but.....I assure you. That will NOT end well for you."
    She spreads her arms out to all the crew- thousands of them, awaiting their response.
    "The choice, is in your hands."

    Meanwhile, New Cultures Rising:
    The Death of Nurgle left some....changes upon the galaxy. In some places time flows differently and while the Astronomicon's light is dimmed, some systems are taking their defense and rulership into their own hands. More than that, they are developing their own cultures and technological developments in the Imperium's absence. These are just some examples....

    One system of particular note takes the cheap power armor away from the Ecclesiarchy and spreads it among their troops before killing the old religion to make a new one, a religion worshipping a million gods while their psyker and soldiers become higher castes above workers, ruling them as the psykers learn how to bind minor daemons into vehicles and weapons to make them obey and a warrior class wielding chain-katanas now rules in the Imperium's stead with a Star-Shogun at its head with some strange miniature light similar to the Astronomicon emitting from their planet as they go forth to conquer while throwing out much of the Imperium's system for one leaner and more efficient, but no less oppressive an empire as it expands through Segmentum Tempestus.

    In another system, merchant clans and rogue traders rise to become powerful corporations that in their greed turn the worlds they conquer into hypercapitalist states where no government but the corporation exists as they ally with the local Mechanicus to begin innovating technology not for the peoples benefit but for their own pockets, trading much more freely with various alien races and the League of Votann, with xeno tech spreading through their economy with no Imperium to ban it.

    In the Eastern parts of the galaxy, the Tau find cut off Imperial worlds ripe for ideological conversion to the Greater Good and they expand more and more as humans look to something believe in when the Emperor is not there. In some other parts of the galaxy, far flung and obscure space marine chapters simply decide to take over the local system and become their overlords, seeing less or no reason to remain loyal to the Imperium. Knight Worlds where Questor Familia have protected and ruled over people as nobility with their giant mecha since the Age of Strife, protect their worlds and forge world allies as tradition and Freeblade Knights find new worlds to protect in the Emperor's absence.

    Meanwhile somewhere, a Necron Dynasty wakes to find the humans worshipping them as gods of black metal and instead of wiping them out to start to think: we can use this...

    But also, across all Craftworlds, Eldar suddenly start displaying new powers of healing and harvest, and even human worlds across the Imperium start hearing the words of Isha and spreading them as cults, her message of compassion, healing and empathy being appealing to many people who have known nothing but misery, toil and sacrifice to some distant uncaring God-Emperor for so long, even as the Imperial Cult denounces them as heretics- even with this suffering, new ideas of compassion begins to spread throughout the galaxy...
    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2023-07-26 at 05:34 PM.
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".