With the enemy clearly fleeing, Onka musters more of his slowly regaining courage to try to hit it again.

Spoiler: AoO
Attack: (1d20+9)[11]
Damage: (1d8+5)[8]
Miss chance: 1-50 is a miss. (1d100)[66]

Still kinda seeing the monsters outlines, Onka draws another dart and flings both at the fleeing monstrosity.

Spoiler: Attacks
Attack 1:(1d20+7)[26]
Damage: (1d4+5)[7]
Miss chance: 1-50 is a miss. (1d100)[45]
Attack 2:(1d20+7)[12]
Damage: (1d4+5)[6]
Miss chance: 1-50 is a miss. (1d100)[85]