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    Titan in the Playground
    Lord Raziere's Avatar

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    Default Re: Jumpers vs. 40k IC1: Worst. Isekai. Ever.

    Ensara: Defy the Anti-Life Equation
    "No. You. DON'T!"
    She shouts back at the Equation, Her Exalted will immoveable as Qaf, her ego as unstoppable as Isidiros when he charges, her mind imposing her will upon the world back as alternative equations appear in her wings floating around her, her gaze furious and hateful at the equation proclaiming things to be true, she is Stunting this HARD.
    "Look you Mathematical Son of a Glitch"
    She growls pointing at Thanoseid.
    "To me, your Equation represents nothing but bull****. Your just another petty little tyrant thinking he is big. That little equation you carry around making people believe in depressing things like they are some objective reality. Well screw you, I'm a Sorcerer, I've looked into the Beyond of Oramus and all its impossibilities and mysteries. I know that truth is subjective, reality is optional, and that I reject your reality to substitute my own! Call it whatever you want, insanity, solipsism, self-deception, existentialism, who cares. I call it being free, being hopeful,, being someone who chooses a world that is good to live in rather than one that is not! If humanity has taught me anything, then it is that people are perfectly capable of denying "self evident" truths all the time! I choose to believe differently! I choose as always to be ME and to believe in something better regardless of the evidence! I DENY YOU! DEFY YOU! I REJECT YOUR VERY PREMISE!

    I promise you Thanoseid, Anti-Life Equation, that I will destroy you and everything you represent. I will defeat you, then someday I will hunt down all your other versions in another Jump and destroy them as well, wipe the stupidity that is this equation from reality even if I have to fight the entire DC universe to do it! I will wipe you from the world so that no one remembers what you are, or what you proclaim, so that no one has to comprehend the nonsense that is being spouted at them! I'll burn everything you are to the ground, my rage will be limitless my determination unstoppable! If I have to punch every single Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman in the face to destroy the Equation, I will do it, I don't care! I will lead the charge towards the Doom of Your Philosophy and all that it dreams!

    But if you want my response in math here it goes: Tyrant = Inevitable Failure!"

    She strikes at Thanoseid with her blade
    "Fascism = Foolishness!"
    She slashes a second time
    "Totalitarianism = Hubris!"
    She cuts at him a third time
    "Life > Pain!"
    Uriel's Liberation glows as she strikes at him a fourth time
    "Hope > Despair!"
    The glow is golden and hopeful as slashes at him a fifth time.
    "Freedom > Control!"
    She slashes him a sixth time, the image of an alternate Ensara as The Queen of Hell defying God momentarily appearing around her.
    "Individuality = Inviolate!"
    The seventh time all seven wings unfurl to show Thanoseid haunting alternate versions of himself, what he could've been....and what he never will be.
    "Determination > Suffering"
    The eighth time, hopeful uplifting music radiates outwards from her
    "Improvement = Everyone!"
    Some say at the ninth strike, that they could hear even Tzeentch rooting for her.
    "Life = Beauty!"
    With the final strike, she glares at the Anti-Life Equation and slowly grins a wicked, insane smile
    "Watch out. After him, I'll be coming for you sooner or later."
    She doesn't really care how much damage she dealt to Thanoseid. Nor does she think she can destroy the Equation itself (even if she defying it entirely), not right now, she is aiming to intimidate it, to make the Equation FEAR her despite the impossibility of it. Finally she announces
    "I am Ensara! Nadir Caste of the Infernal Exalted, Chosen of the Yozis, Known as Slayer of Anys Syn, She Who Outwitted Nico Bolas, Destroyer of the Empire of Abel and the Gaian Imperium, Planeswalker, Thief, Liberator, Sorcerer, Martial Artist, Artificer, Demon, Trickster! But you may simply call me Your Death."
    She does this as a distraction measure until Frode's thing completes

    Things: Get Worse
    While he did that, though, after a thoughtflash between himself and Cegorach, he phased out, flowing into TARDIS form as he did so. The usual sound of *VWOORP VWOORP VWOORP* faded out most of the way, then faded back in, getting louder and louder until it became a thunder that shook the world. Then the world itself started to fade away around Thanoseid, quickly leaving him alone in the middle of a cavern larger than worlds within the Webway, where the Black Library once hung. The walls shuddered and started to cave in, flickering points of light dancing over the surface with explosions the size of countries bursting from the walls, as that segment of Webway was cut off from the larger whole and began to explosively disintegrate back into the Warp.

    Ghostly winds slashed lines of phantasmal colour through the void where the Black Library planet had been, dimensional collapse violent even by Warp standards accelerated and guided by Frode's TARDIS abilities tearing space and time to shreds around Thanoseid, weaponised destruction of that segment of subspace creating howling vortexes of half-forgotten memory and faded dreams that could swallow stars.

    And in the middle of it all, a small holographic projector was left, displaying, right at Thanoseid's eye level, "Have fun walking home, jerk."

    Somewhere far away, the *VWOORP*-ing rumbles faded after a few seconds, and a slightly-transparent image of Frode reappeared roughly where he had been standing previously. "Well, that was 'fun'." Frode noted drily.

    "Before you ask, the Black Library, and by extension all of you, are inside my TARDIS-form, which in turn is in a dimensional pocket three quarkturns charmwise of reality, whose exit is about six billion lightyears 'above' the Milky Way's galactic disc. Thanoseid was left in the Black Library's former position in the Webway, which I exploded as we left. I doubt it will do much more than inconvenience him, but at least enough dimensional disruption to rip a star system to its component subatomic particles and then being dumped into the heart of Khorne's section of the Warp should annoy him a little."
    Across the Galaxy, Troupes of Harlequins find themselves unable to access parts of the Webway to get back to the Black Library and unable to contact Cegorach. Solitaires were only a small part of his forces after all, and now these Harlequins now find themselves stranded and having to find alternate routes, and even when they get to their Eldar fellows will find news of apart of the Webway collapsing that they knew was where the Library was, and now worry that their final god was gone without knowing why and never getting back to learn that Isha had returned. Many will begin to insist on going forward with or accelerating the Birth of Ynnead plan in the absence of other options.

    The Dark Eldar and Craftworlders will soon find some paths of the Webway being filled with Daemons where there are holes and begin working with the white spider-beings that guard the Webway to kill them. The Webway will begin sealing its arteries up and making these holes into sealed dead ends, not rebuilding itself until the threat is passed, which because of the current state of the Warp is never.

    Cegorach will turn to Frode:
    "While I am thankful for teleporting us away from a being that I have little knowledge of and clearly incredibly powerful and threatening....Me and Isha are the Eldar race's only deities. The Eldar will want a new god to protect themselves from She Who Thirsts if they can't contact me. We need to move soon to make sure they don't do something.....drastic. I'm sorry but no matter how much of a threat this Thanoseid is, the war with Chaos and my people takes priority."
    "So....anyone who gets infected by the Anti-Life Equation fully, we kill as per Chaos Corruption protocols?" asks a Solitaire. "I have no doubt the Imperium will kill anyone who starts going on about obeying an alien just as a matter of course, but I just want to make sure the safety measures/scorched earth policy is for this Thanoseid guy."

    Ensara panting, reverts back to normal form and stores back Uriel's Liberation.
    "Malfeas damn it all. Why did he show up? Are any other enemies going to show up? Wait.....Oh no, what if the Yozis or the Neverborn get out? The Yozis are supposed to be prisoners and killing them only ever makes things worse....
    "Wait aren't you Exalted by the Yozis?" asks Kaerabryn.
    "Yes. That doesn't mean the Yozis getting out is a good idea."
    "what even are they?"
    "Long story."

    Thanoseid: you are now in the Realm of Khorne. The Sky is fighting the ground, the ground is fighting the sky, rivers of blood are everywhere as well sounds of combat and yells of "Blood for the Blood God!". Everyone and everything you encounter big and small will attack you for simply being there in their eternal rage and bloodlust, and also the stuff about howling vortices of forgotten and faded memories destruction happening. What will you do?
    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2023-07-28 at 09:35 PM.
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".