Ensara: Introduce Dragon-Blooded Companion
"Oh. Well. Frode, my opinion on what happened is that I appreciate the "Screw Tyranny" spirit, I probably would've had the same reaction if I was younger or if I was more powerful and thus certain I could take him. Personally I would've preferred to wait and see what he was going to do and not endanger a bunch of lives and valuable knowledge if it wasn't needed, I mostly went as hard as I did because I thought I had to, but we got out alive. I'm going to go train in some martial arts now, but don't worry I'll leave you with help: Behold my Dragon-Blooded companion, Twisting River, former Magistrate of the Scarlet Empire!"
Suddenly Twisting River, a Dragon-Blooded with blue hair and deeper blue eyes appears from her inner world, wearing silken armor and looking confused.
"Okay, where have you brought us now, and who are all these people, Ensara? Normally you call for your y'know friends earlier."
"Sorry! Sorry! I found other Jumpers, this Frode he's similar to a Twilight Caste without the Exaltation, this is Alex she's a superhero, that big clown is Cegorach he's a local god and so is all the other clowns, Isha is also a local goddess, she's a harvest and compassion type."
"....and like all the other worlds they're more powerful than the divine bureaucrat gods?"
"Sigh, why are all the gods more powerful than Creations?"
"because Creation is a very special place that doesn't work like anywhere else!"
"Still didn't answer my first question"
"Look Warhammer 40,000's real dangerous because of a lot of horrible things happening, wasn't sure who to send out, but now I'm sure you can handle it now....hopefully. Anyways, just remember guys River here's not as powerful as me so don't expect her to do anything too crazy, gotta go train now byyyye."
Ensara then teleports away using her planeswalking powers.
"Sigh. Of course. Hi, I'm Twisting River. Water Aspect Dragon-Blooded and companion on Ensara's crazy journeys through the multiverse. Omniverse? Whatever. What crazy thing has she got us into this time?"
Lets skip over the informing Twisting River and assume she will be told at some point unless you really want to roleplay explaining the situation for fun.
"....I see. Evil Space Empire that makes the Realm look reasonable, Demon gods that make the Yozis look sympathetic, and numerous non-human threats, and this....incredibly powerful tyrant god from another universe. Yeah I don't know how Ensara expects me to fill in for her on this, but I'll help whatever way I can. She wasn't too much trouble right?"
"How do you mean?" Kaerabryn asks
"She tends to have a very freedom based morality, causes chaos everywhere she goes. Wouldn't be surprised if her plan was to absorb these four Chaos Gods powers into herself, then use those dark powers for good somehow, she likes doing things like that for some reason. At least before you killed Nurgle, whoever that was."
"No....she didn't seem to be all that broken up about it?"
"Well, as a Nadir Caste she's always been great as masking her emotions when she really wants to, hard to read a manipulator and infiltrator like her."
"Okay, whats your story then?"
"To make a long story short? I was apart of the Realm, some snobby Dynasts through politics put me in the Wyld hunt, I went and tried to kill Ensara, failed and the rest is history."
".....Kill her? and you just..."
"It was like 20 or so years ago, different time, different universe, again, long story. What matters is I'm here to help now. Might set up one of her Inner World gates somewhere for convenience though, so everyone can go back and forth between the city, I certainly need to so I can check in on my family, y'know? Also vital to make sure I get into the Inner World when this Jump ends, I can go only with her if I'm in the Inner World due to certain circumstances.

Anyways, I'm good in what is probably most fights as long its not something crazy, I'm a good investigator, I know First Circle Sorcery and I'm experienced Exalt if not the most powerful, and I can call upon other companions of Ensara if I can properly set it up. hope to working well with all of you."

She will shake the hand of whoever allows her to.