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    Colossus in the Playground
    lostsole31's Avatar

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    Nov 2008
    St. Louis

    Default Re: Legacy of Fire: Howl of the Carrion King [IC]

    R7T7: Approaching the ladder, Khair begins his ascent. It definitely isn't pretty. Perhaps having wet feet doesn't help, but he finally makes it up. Once there, he swiftly but with some effort reforms his flaming scimitar.

    R7T6-5: Trevorn has made it across with his flying, flaming bird, as has Onyebuchi.

    R7T4: Alain suffers a whopping 6 bleed this time.

    End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

    Alahazra takes out her healer's kit and stops. Bad luck keeps her from succeeding.

    R8T13: Zaihi continues to delay on station.

    R8T7: Khair, A thin balcony overlooks the chapel floor some twenty feet below. Two rows of tall-backed wooden choir chairs dominate the southern reach of the balcony, which hugs the chapel’s concave walls. The balcony falls away—collapsed for a span of perhaps fifteen feet—just on the other side of the choir area. To the east, rickety time-worn wooden rafters stretch across the whole chapel. Two huge sections of these rafters have been engulfed in a sort of nest comprised of a patchwork of random bits of cloth.

    What do you do?
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2023-09-14 at 02:52 AM.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.