Quote Originally Posted by mmdeforrest View Post
And I thought I was the one who had cornered the market on distinct accents.

John stood and extended his hand to the newcomer. “A pleasure, Jake. I’m John Kelley — code name Dee, late of London and Providence, Rhode Island. I’m assigned to the South-West Joint Operation Task Force on a consulting basis to assist with occult matters.”

As he spoke, John surveyed the Texan for any hints of who and what he was. Even with one as distinct as he, John could not call up any recollection of a power set or notable encounters in the past.

John attempts to remember anything associated with Jake: 1d4o4 3 1d6o6 1

Yet another thing to add to the list of things for him to learn.

Of course, given the line of work they were in, he had no reason to believe that Jake looked like this normally. Ayern’s eye color changed with the amount and type of energy he consumed and that was one of the more subtle changes the team could make to their appearance.

Even he could conjure up a new face at need.

“Is it a safe guess that AEGIS thinks you can be of assistance with our demon problem?”
Jake reaches out and gives John's hand a firm shake. "Nice to meetcha, John Kelly. Occult matters, huh? Well, glad to know we've got somebody on that. Because I don't know a dang thing about it," he says with an amused look on his face. "And they said something about demons. Is that a local gang yo folks are having trouble with?"

Quote Originally Posted by PK-Leon View Post
Morning Meeting

Louis sizes up the Texan posted up in the entrance of the living room, offering him a nod in return.

"Like Jake... from State Ranch? You're a lot bigger than you look in the commercials."
Smiling at the joke, Jake responds, "Naw. Jake from Bandera, Texas. Jake from State Ranch is my little cousin."

Quote Originally Posted by Roguewolf View Post
Keith raised an eyebrow and noted the accent. And here he thought he had the Southern accent down. Guess his accent was getting a bit in the way though. He does smirk a bit at Louis's comment, not laughing but it was worthy of one.

Keith offered his hand as well after John.

"Nice to meetcha, Keith Karver, from Albany, Georgia. Go by... well I went by Crowe at least and gotta make sure that still fits. And...." Keith thought a moment. "I'll let ya get situated before the other bit. A lot to go through already."

That skin color though, would be hard to not remember that. Texas..... He thought to himself. Weird stuff always happened there, about on par with Florida. Was he also of the Void?
Turning to Keith, Jake accepts the hand and returns a strong grip, "Keith. Thanks for the welcome. I can't right say I understood much else you said there, but I got that part, anyways."

Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
December 3rd
Morning Meeting
As Jake walks in the room, Aeryn’s eyes widen. He looks excitedly at Seraph, but his expression falls when the angel shakes his head.

Drake stands, offering his hand to the newest West Sider as well. His hand is hot, like he has a bad fever, even though he looks healthy. “I’m Drake Varga, Team Lead of South Side.” He points out each of the other South Siders and gives their names. He also introduces Sidney, who gives the mutant a smile and a wave.
"Varga, huh?", he says, shaking Drake's hand. "Hombre, you're burning up. I hope what you got ain't catching." He nods to the rest and returns Sidney's smile and wave with a big grin of his own.

Ryker looks Jake up and down, still smirking from Louis’ joke, taking in the outfit and the accent. “So, what can you do?"
Turning his grin on Ryker, Jake says, "We wasn't altogether sure at first. But it appears I can control gravity a bit. What about you?"

Quote Originally Posted by big teej View Post
Morning Meeting

Raphael quietly watches Terrence go back and forth with the team over his decision to cut and run. His hand flexes and clenches into a reflexive fist, reliving the ghost of the impact of tearing through a West Side bulkhead.

Raphael’s attitude visibly sours as Seraph details how the demons went after his woman. He speaks up. “This demon nosing around at her apartment, do we think this is a new one, or one we’ve dealt with before?”

If I’ve tangled with it before, I can probably find it….

Raphael stows his temper and rousing bloodlust as Seraph transitions to announcing another new teammate.

“Texas?” Raphael mouths with confusion before training his eyes on their new …..(bong) Mutant.

The vampire blinks a few times at Jake’s ensemble, before a long suppressed memory bubbles up from the darkened crevices of his mind. A trip that he’d stridently protested to, Germany’s Premier Cowpoke attraction…

It’d been a horror.

Raphael’s eye twitches a few times and then tries to cover his reaction by coughing into his fist. “Oh…gawd,” he moans under his breath.

Raphael watches John jump up to greet the new-new-new-new-newbie and deliver his spiel. He tilts his head, side-eying the mage. "Do you get tired of saying that?" He says, his voice colored with genuine (sounding) curiosity.

Spoiler: Notice roll vs. Drake - your human concerns are below my notice
Quote Originally Posted by mmdeforrest View Post
John winced slightly at Raphael’s (he hoped) good natured question. He could not remember where he picked up the turn of phrase but he had taken a small delight in its old fashioned feel.

“It’s still new enough to me to be able to list more than Providence that the novelty of the phrasing hasn’t worn off,” John quipped back. “It also saves me having to explain that I’m not from Boston.”

He turned back to the Texan. “The gentleman who has called me out on my affectation is Raphael, code name Nightgaunt and the commercial aficionado is West Side’s Team Lead — Louis, code name Redline.

“May I also present you to Stella, code name Miss Menagerie, and Miss Carter, code name Anima.”
Jake looks over the indicated team members, laughing at Raphael's sarcasm. He nods to the guys and bows at the waist to Stella. He looks at Anima, first with mild confusion quickly followed by an interested look. "Raphael, Louis. Ladies", he says. "I humbly offer my thanks for the warm welcome. I hope I can pull my weight around here."