Apparently all rodents say "Skree!" in the GGverse, not just wasp-eaters. I did wonder if maybe Monahan might give Agatha's wasp-eater wings - which might be kind of troublesome.

Kid is reading the archives at the moment - we went past the place where they met Prende herself. Whicn reminds me that Ninisinaa's Star was not just taken from Ninisinaa by Lucrezia, but it was then converted to Prende's lantern - maybe by van Rijn, maybe before that.

My new theory is that Lu went around killing Queens, relieving them of their stuff, and bringing trophies to van Rijn, who then used them to make the Muses. Maybe she wanted to impress van Rijn and/or Andronicus Valois for some reason. She might even have impersonated Euphrosynia Heterodyne - Agatha has been noted to resemble each of them.