Felicity Fourhooves
Centaur Paladin 5
AC: 17 HP: 44
PP:10 PIv: 09 PIs: 10
Lay on Hands: 25/25 Spell Slots: 4/2
Felicity spends the evening walking around the house, armed and armoured, peeking into rooms, poking into corners. No matter where they were (if 'where' even meant anything), she served Crown, and Prince Doredan. And if the Prince was going to be sleeping in this place, it was up to her to make sure it was safe. And that she knew the layout in case they had to get somewhere fast.

Assuming she doesn't find anything overly concerning (or something fascinating that keeps her up all night), she explores and then retires to whatever room is empty.

She sets into breakfast with her usual enthusiasm. She does cast a thought for what they're going to do about food, long term.

"What kinds of food do you guys think they even have here? You think they have, like, potatoes or whatever? Or you think it's all weird alien monster space vegetables?"

To Bil:

"I would rather you do the talking than me. I'm not at all good at that sort of thing."

Spoiler: OOC
