The moment Laughter takes to the skies, she can see a number of rough-looking ruffians crouching behind the short wall. They notice the fairy flying above them and, as one, they leap up.

One of them yells out "La Paloma pays for her crimes this day!" And they all attack.

As the battle is joined, Tenzin and Birel retreat behind the nearest rocky outcropping and crouch, ready to defend Emily against any threat.

Instantly, a hail of arrows fills the air. Laughter happened to make herself visible to the lion's share of bandits, and she draws their fire. Two arrows find their mark (one causing a rather grievous wound). The others all miss.

The remaining bandits hurl arrows at the three still on the road. One strikes Nibbles a solid hit. The rest miss.

Battle at Milzapul Archway!

Spoiler: OOC

Battle at Milzapul Archway - Round 1
  • Bandits' AC: 13
  • All Bandits currently have half-cover for ranged attacks.
  • The wall is a single square of Difficult Terrain, and requires an Athletics/Acrobatics check, DC 10, to vault

Spoiler: Initiative Rolls

PC Initiative:
  • Laughter - 22
  • Irides - 19
  • Aeon - 18
  • Nibbles - 16
  • Naraga - 9

Bandit Initiative:
  • Bandit 1 - 9
  • Bandit 2 - 18
  • Bandit 3 - 22 (Natural 20)
  • Bandit 4 - 18
  • Bandit 5 - 8
  • Bandit 6 - 19
  • Bandit 7 - 10

Bandits go first!
  • Bandit 1 attacks Nibbles with two Longbow arrows. Miss! Miss!
  • Bandit 2 attacks Nibbles with two Longbow arrows (w/Advantage). Miss! Hit for 7 piercing damage.
  • Bandit 3 attacks Naraga with two Longbow arrows (w/Advantage). Miss! Miss!
  • Bandit 4 attacks Laughter with two Longbow arrows. Miss! Miss!
  • Bandit 5 attacks Laughter with two Longbow arrows. Miss! Miss!
  • Bandit 6 attacks Laughter with two Longbow arrows. Miss! Critical Hit! 12 piercing damage.
  • Bandit 7 attacks Laughter with two Longbow arrows. Miss! Hit for 3 piercing damage.

PC's go next.
  • Laughter has Advantage on Bandits 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7.
  • Irides has Advantage on Bandits 1, 2, 4, 5, 7.
  • Aeon has Advantage on Bandits 1, 2, 4, 5, 7.
  • Nibbles has Advantage on Bandits 1, 5, 7.
  • Naraga has Advantage on Bandit 5.