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Thread: Fall in the Mall 1987 - AFMBE OOC

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Re: Fall in the Mall 1987 - AFMBE OOC

    Spoiler: Katherine Hart

    Name: Katherine Hart (Katy to her friends)
    Age: 16
    Character Type: Norm
    Female, blonde, fair-skinned, blue eyes. A little over average height, slight build.

    Dressed like a pirate for the lock-in: baggy, lightweight pants (black) and shirt (white), with a red sash around her waist and a red bandana holding in her hair, and wearing sturdy black boots. Has an eyepatch that she’s mostly wearing around her neck because it was interfereing with using the camera, which is mostly in one of her pockets when it isn’t in her hands. Brought her colorguard flag pole as part of her costume: it has a giant Jolly Roger flag on it.

    Primary Attributes:
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 4
    Constitution: 3
    Intelligence: 2
    Perception: 2 (Drawback boost)
    Willpower: 2

    Secondary Attributes:
    Life Points: 30
    Endurance Points: 26
    Speed: 14 (14 mph, 7 yards/second)
    Essence Pool: 27

    Qualities: 8/8 (5 default +5 Drawback – 2 to raise Perception to 2 = 8)
    Artistic Talent (Photography) (+3)
    Resources (+1)
    Fast Reaction Time (+2)
    Acute Hearing (+2)

    Drawbacks: (5)
    Clown (-1)
    Emotional Problems (Emotional Dependency) (-1)
    Hemaphobia (-3)

    Skills: 30/30
    Driving (Car) (+1)
    Hand Weapon (Staff) (+2)
    Thrown (Axe) (+1)
    Acrobatics (+2) (4 points – Special Skill)
    Haggling (+2)
    Sport (Colorguard) (+2)
    Fine Arts (Photography) (+3)
    First Aid (+2)
    Questioning (+1)
    Notice (+2)
    Climbing (+2)
    Humanities (+1)
    Sciences (+2)
    Writing (+2)
    Swimming (+1)
    Language (Spanish) (+2)

    Spoiler: Background
    Katy moved to SC from the Midwest back in elementary school. Her homelife is stable but not extravagant, and most of her extras she bargains for with fellow students. She lives with both of her parents (though her father is frequently out of town on business), and has no living siblings. She recently turned 16 and has obtained her learner’s permit; her car is a hand-me-down from her father. She got the camera as a gift when one of her extended family noticed her interest in photography, and she’s made extensive use of it since, trading favors for film and taking pictures for return favors.

    She has been in a scattering of other afterschool activities, usually whatever her friends are into at the time, but the most serious of these is marching band where she is a member of the Colorguard. As a result she is reasonably fit and, while she can’t play an instrument herself, she’s used to listening for audio cues to perform complex maneuvers with her flag pole or batons while moving in strange directions. While not stupid, she is on the honor roll mostly through hard work and study.

    She gets nervous when left to her own devices and will usually latch on to somebody if her immediate social circle (mostly band members and a few members of the football team) is not around.
    Last edited by Kareeah_Indaga; 2023-10-02 at 05:36 PM.
    Spoiler: Adventures in Helnith