Quote Originally Posted by LCP View Post
That's kind of what I mean - there are good ways to engage with the grove, and stupid-evil ways to engage with the grove, but if you want to roleplay evil + smart, your only option is not to engage. There's nothing interesting there for that kind of character, you're just skipping a chunk of the game.

Same is kind of true in Act 2, you can either help the good guys or blindly follow along with the guys who you know are responsible for the tadpoles, and who you have no reason to believe would help you get rid of yours.

There's even an 'evil but not crazy' option that gets dangled in front of you early in act 1 (Raphael), but if you say 'yes' right away he essentially says 'no, wait til Act 3'.
Well I mean, smart evil avoids danger if possible. Smart evil doesn't slaughter for the sake of it, or entangle themselves with stupid evil people if they can help it. Heck, Gortash says as much about Orin in act 3.