Quote Originally Posted by BRC View Post
I'm pretty sure the plan was ALWAYS for everybody to betray everybody else.

I think Gortash is less upset about Orin trying to betray him than he is about her making his life difficult and continuing to fail the murder marshmallow test rather than being a good co-conspirator and paitiently waiting for an opportunity to betray him.
Not got too far into Act 3 yet, but the reading I get is that the difference between Durge and Orin was restraint. Prom as a Changeling is playing serial killer on easy mode, especially as she's shown to easily assume identities on the fly just to mess with the party. The Durge meanwhile survived committing a murder spree and fifteen years of life as Bhaal's chosen WITHOUT having her shapeshifting.

Gortash gets along better with Durge because Durge was looking at the bigger picture. Before Orin shoved the tadpole in they'd have killed Isobel, but only once everybody was getting ready to assault Moonrise Towers.