They really need to come up with a new term for "repeat run based meta progression game" that doesn't get "um by strict definition"ed to heck.

In terms of what I have been playing, mostly Starfield still, with occasional tries of Balder's Gate 3.

Somehow I like the openness of Starfield to just grab a pile of missions of a poster board, run off and do them, check back in and grab new ones. Sure the returns on them are minuscule and its all lazy procgen nonsense, but its kinda just how I like Bethesda games. Even when playing Skyrim, I mostly just spam bounties. Now, in Skyrim I added a mod that ups the gold reward and gives a perk point for each one I do, so its actually a very valid method of progression. But as I have yet to find something similar for Starfield it just feels wasteful. Once the Creation Engine gets released for Starfield and the bigger fancier mods start appearing I might make a new character and give it another go, but for now my drive to play is kinda stalling out.

Meanwhile BG3 is somehow less open but not as directed as Starfield to me? I have no pointers to anything and generally feel too weak to do the stuff that's there.

Getting a pile of mods ready for another Skyrim run, might get around to starting that this week now that the other big games are proving not my thing. I don't touch the main story and just run around doing side quests and seeing some corner of the map I don't often see.

Otherwise still doing daily Mobile Gacha Game things. But I don't think we usually count those here.