Amyra Vaith

"You strike me as someone who's sailed your entire life." Amyra warmed up with a compliment to the Captain. "How well do you know this ship and how well does its crew know it?" It was no point in trying something risky if the captain was not certain in the ship and the crew. She was not a sailor, but she understood familiarity, logistics, travel, maneuvering room, speed and like the captain mentioned, impact. She fully agreed with his assessment that the big ships should not be travelling here, but northerners did what northerners did, their egos often as big and as much in the way of others as the ships in front of them were. Being crushed between two ships was not ideal either, but those ships may soon realize that travel upstream would be impossible in such a ship, which would leave them stuck hopelessly behind them, perhaps even missing the tournament. "It is your ship, Captain Waters, and you know her best. If you believe in her capable, so do I." She encouraged him. It was the easiest way, she found, to inspire people. Some, like most masters-of-arms, liked screams and intimidation. She had since long found that inspiring confidence was much more effective.

"My Lord." She curtsied quickly as she spoke to her young Liege, her eyes glancing between his mother and the Septon to ensure that she was not leaving them out of the conversation. "We might risk to come to late for the tournament. Even landing a few horses and riding with the ship trailing seems like large risk, and then we may not be able to bring everything we need too." She nods towards some of the ships failing to make landfall. "I might be able to help plot a course and do the timing, and with such an amazing sailor as our captain at the helm, I do believe it's a possibility." As much as she hated it, the risks excited her. Her late husband had been all to timid and she hoped none of those traits would take hold on the young Lord. At the same time, she did not want to encourage it. While he might not be entirely in control, he could likely sway his regent should the need arise. But they might strike down the entire idea as well, she had the hot blood of Rhoyne in her veins which was flaring up at this possibility. No one would remember the ships anchoring here.