Hylusi Quaternaros, Magus of Bleakpines
Magework Necromancer
Darkvision: 60ft
AC: 15 HP: 32/32 THP: 6
PP: 14 PIv: 14 PIs: 11
Pizza Power: Advantage on a Str or Con check until next long rest
Savtuan Dream: 1/1 /LR, add Int, Wis or Cha to a physical check, attack or damage roll (before the roll is made)

Concentrating on:
5/5 d6 HD
Arcane recovery 1/1
Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 2/2 3rd
Fingerbone staff 7/10
Alchemical treats: 3/7 granting 6THP
Goreling count: 7

With a sharp gesture, the giant skeletal hand retreated back into the earth as Hylusi broke the thaumic connection. She took a closer look at the two survivors.

A human - how the worlds seemed full of the things! - who looked like some hired muscle, mourning the death of his equally uninspiring companion; and somewhat more interesting - some manner of artificial creature.

<I am the Magus of Bleakpines, Lady Hylusi Quaternaros.> She sent, her mental voice a cold rustle of bones. She examined the rapidly rotting forms of their foes thoughtfully.
<Unless I miss my guess, those were demons - malignant creatures of disorder and destruction from the Abyss. Unusual to see abroad - at least, back in Viridor - though not unknown. It could be troublesome if they have a portal for ingress.>

To her companions alone - Bil and Doredan - her sharp tones whispered further, her voice slithering in their skulls.
<And the machine's pet seems to be an imp, I suspect - a minor form of devil. No doubt serving as a familiar. Tch. Devils are a fool's game; cunning minds, insatiable hunger for power, and long experience.>
Speaking more generally again, she turned the pinpricks of her gaze upon the warforged and the human.
<Are there any settlements nearby, then? Places of import? >

Spoiler: OOC
