Orc Brute Fighter
AC: 17 HP: 44/51
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11 Sanity: 10
With the passageway behind him blocked by the loyal form of Mr Grump, Ront continues up the passage, ignoring the burning in his feet from the acid. As he emerges onto the floor he hears the sounds of combat, and continues around the corner, drawing into the sight of the party. As he sees them, he bellows. "Bunch of bees and wax behind me! Grump is slowing them."
Spoiler: OOC

Double Move.

Autognome Artificer
AC: 19 HP: 11/43
PP: 14 PIv: 17 PIs: 12 Sanity: 10
Seeing the strange, oozing fragment, and the black pudding it produced, ALADIN calls out. "Fire may be needed to destroy the fragment, and will be effective against ooze as well. Don't utilize slashing weapons against the black ooze. Also, avoid cold and lightning."
Despite the metal gleaming, and burning through the horrific rents in his artificial flesh, ALADIN continues to fight, although his movements are occasionally interrupted, and seem jerky, as some of his components are not working as they should. His gauntlets flash out, unloading blasts of withering vibrations into the fragment before him as he responds to the information his target analysis system continues to provide.

Spoiler: OOC

Bonus: Hunters mark the oozing fragment.
Action: Attack!

(1d20+8)[15] Attack 1
(1d8+5)[12] Thunder + (1d6)[3] Hunters mark

(1d20+8)[12] Attack 2
(1d8+5)[13] Thunder + (1d6)[1] Hunters mark

2 Blight remaining(3 damage taken.)
(1d6+5)[9] Temp HP