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Thread: Dragon Fall War 5e

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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: Dragon Fall War 5e

    Location Information based on rolls

    (1d20+9)[10] arcana <- f.u. nat 1 *( you believe that the locations are right here in this very archive
    (1d20+9)[12] history *( you have heard of ravensburg and have a basic idea of where it is, it has a teleportation circle
    (1d20+5)[22] perception *( you notice that every time serenity gives an answer it is as if she is in a trance and that book of hers glows

    Perception (1d20+10)[15] *( you notice that every time serenity gives an answer it is as if she is in a trance and that book of hers glows

    arcana check, just in case. (1d20+9)[11] *( you have a basic understanding of where the locations are but without some form of long distance travel it will take months
    Last edited by samduke; 2023-12-10 at 08:32 AM.