Quote Originally Posted by AlanBruce View Post
The idea of playing as Jill, Joshua and even Dion was mentioned several times by the community. However, the game’s director has clearly stated that this is Clive’s story, so we will always play as Clive.

That isn’t to say we haven’t met amazing characters along the way- like the aforementioned companions. But unless they release some game in the future like FFXVI-2, for example, we’re only playing as Clive.
Like I said, missed opportunity on their part. The main game is Clive's story, sure. Add-on DLC didn't need to be. Clive already has the entire game for his story, it would make perfect sense for DLC to focus on others. Kind of felt to me like they were setting up for that even, with
Jill's expressed interest in leaving Valisthea entirely to see the rest of the world once the conflict over the crystals was done, particularly combined with her being the only survivor of the main characters. Of course I suppose that could be setup for a sequel too, but direct sequels in Final Fantasy do not have a good track record, so I'd honestly rather a small DLC expansion personally.