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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Savtua Swamp Village

    The reaction is slow, by comparison to most humanoids. First the head raises, followed by the tongue extending, and only then does the lizard folk turn to face Hylusi and the rest of the party. One of the smaller of the species, they still crest six feet.
    Spoiler: Hylusi
    "Zanasuresh, outsiders have come. Shall we turn them away, Zanasuresh?"

    The tongue samples the air again before turning to Jason.
    Spoiler: Hylusi
    "You are wounded. They are scratched, but you are close to death."

    The lizard turns towards the village and releases a bellowing grunt, which quickly was picked up by the other lizard folk.

    Spoiler: Hylusi
    "Zanasuresh, we are bound to mend all who are broken, Zanasuresh!"

    The lizardfolk turns back to all of you in a slow, swaying motion.
    Spoiler: Draconic
    "You will follow. We will heal. Perhaps trade. Then you will walk away on your special path. These are the ways of Zanasuresh."
    Without waiting for a reply, the lizard folk turns and leads you all onward towards the center of the village. All the folk around the swampy village center turn to look at you all, then resolutely go back to their tasks, whispering to Zanasuresh in hushed voices. The folk you first met leads you to the largest building out on the water, where two massive specimens stand guard.

    Their frills do not rise when you come, and they do not appear agitated, but still they converse in stern terms with your guide before pulling open the door to the hut and admitting you. Inside, you find a room with hanging herbs and grasses that smells of spice and fresh water. A hole in the center of the floor leads directly into the clear, cool waters of the swamp below. Squatting on the other side of the hole is a withered and aged looking folk carrying a staff, which he is currently using to fish. He doesn't look up when you arrive, but as your guide explains the situation the old healer glances up at Doredan.

    Spoiler: Repeated in Several Languages
    Your sister is gone. Lost to the mists. We told her not to go, not to wander the Maze of Mists. Have you come to find her? She is lost...

    Then he speaks in an approximation of the trade language all of you speak, though he speaks slowly and with a lot of hissing. "Healing in the pool. Trade. Then you shall leave, Zanasuresh." He flicks his fishing pole staff upward, points at Jason, then points at the hole.

    "Uh... should I... get in?" Whispers Jason, wary around these people he has never met before.
    Last edited by purepolarpanzer; 2023-12-17 at 11:54 AM.
    The Bear is Back.