Fork stood straight as usual as the captain made her speech. His stoic demeanor took in the information like a professional. -- won't we just, Mr. Frkkk? -- To this he gave a single confident nod.

As the captain went below Fork looked out towards the horizon with anticipation. He turned back towards the officers collected around him.

"It appears that the illithid will be passing through the Hic Sunt in larger numbers than usual. We should have good hunting." Servius said.

"Good." Fork responded. "But a good hunt is also a practice of moderation.. Then again the captain isn't one to bite off more than she could chew."

He overheard Ttharg cautioning against glorifying bloodlust and he nodded. "Wise words, to be heeded for sure."

The young professional kobold named Frkkk (About 35 years of age if he'd have been a human, whatever that translates to for kobolds) made his way past large lizardmen and burly dragonborn and went up the crows nest. He climbed slowly and deliberately, he wanted to save his energy and soak up some sun while contemplating over the coming days.