Lemme lay down some cliff notes for your region...

House Arwana covers the government of a few farming villages and a small town, underneath the supervision of the Duke Liemin. There's a few other noble families, none of which are especially big or notable, and none of whom have MAJOR beef with the Duke. Oh sure, there's politicking and scheming and such, but there's nothing really severe going on.
The terrain has large amounts of fertile farmland, with a nearby area being more rocky and hilly-that's where the dragon roosted.
The military is primarily militia, with only the nobles having standing forces.

And some cliff notes for oddities...

The bandits were not killed-they were run off.
The dragon was not killed-they were defeated.
You have family and friends, and no one you know has ever died. In fact, no one's ever been seriously hurt-not permanently, anyway.
You can't remember the last time you met someone from outside your region of the world-the duke and other nobles get messages every once in a while, but you never see the couriers bringing them in.