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Thread: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

  1. - Top - End - #1261
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 4th
    Warehouse Assault
    The first red streak of light from Redline hits Mirko in his left shoulder, singeing his jacket. Kris’ hand snaps out to intercept the second one, making the larger bolt fizzle harmlessly against his barrier.

    The younger Dragonov barely notices the attack. His attention is fixed on Nightgaunt, head tilted, as the vampire weathers his flames.

    “Focus, Mirko,” Kris hisses.

    The ground rumbles beneath the warehouse. Concrete begins to crack on the floor as something begins to push up from below.

    “Took her long enough,” Kris mutters as his brother’s smile widens again.

    The shaking stops for a moment, before a grotesque creature more than twenty feet tall erupts from the floor. It’s the shape of a woman on its top half, but seems to only be made of bleeding red muscle and bones. The other half of the woman is that of a skeletal snake animated by demonic magic. Her arms end in long wicked scythes and her head is topped by similarly shaped horns.

    “What the **** is that?” Ryker says.

    Paradox scoffs as she catches the rain of concrete with her powers. “Doesn’t matter. We gotta kill it anyway.”

    Empty eye sockets turn to face Kris, waiting for a command.

    The elder Dragonov grins. “Zalta, kill everyone.”

    There’s moment of absolute stillness from the demon before it leans down and attempts to slice through both Ryker and Mercury.

    Ryker manages to dodge, but the scythe hits Mercury square, sending him flying into Zodiac’s side. Several of her scales crack from the impact.

    Mirko soaks the first hit from Redline, the second doesn’t hit
    Villain’s Turn- Zalta appears! She misses Ryker, but hits Mercury, causing 2 Wounds. Mercury is thrown back and Shakes Zodiac!
    Round Ends
    Villains roll a 7 for Initiative

    Perimeter Team
    As Zalta pushes up through the floor of the warehouse, the sky fractures above. Four white feathered demons the size of people fly out, followed by a massive fifth demon with a long serpentine body and six arms.

    “Villains” (Demons) get a 10 for Initiative
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2024-01-03 at 10:16 PM.