Firtina's divine magic lances out, clipping the final mitflit in the arm, with a final screech it drops dead. The room is free of threats, a door to the north connects to the hall where you fought the maggot-trainers, a number of rooms to the north and west of that hallways have yet to be checked.
Sturdy double doors block the walkway to the south, that is also the direction earlier mitflits fled along the vine.

While searching the mitflits bodies (they have the usual complement of darts and shortswords, 23 darts and 5 swords total) a number of fungi similar to those in the pit below are visible, while not valuable or particularly appetising, they're edible.

Spoiler: OOC
The mitflits were harvesting fungi and grubs in the pit, the screeching was them fighting over who gets the tastiest ones