Once you've finished packing things away and divvying them out to each other, the trek back to the Karrnathi emplacements looms. It's a tense march, with eyes glancing this way and that for any more enemies that might leap from the rooftops or ooze up from the sewers beneath. Combat...does not find you, yet the mental taxation of desperately focusing is draining nonetheless, and it's a precious mercy when you approach the bastion of undead soldiers. They allow you to pass, and even point you towards a not-yet-ruined building in which you can lay out bedrolls with four walls and a roof. It is not comfortable, but it is better than camping outside, and you get a bit of privacy for discussions - though you can never be quite sure if the undead are listening or not. While most of them are bags of bones and metal, sometimes they do seem to move far quieter than any living person should be able to.

Perhaps a half-decade inside the Mournland has honed their skills.

Regardless, your rest is welcomed, and in the 'morning' you're refreshed, mostly, and ready to hopefully finalise your plans for the Vault, and the rescue/retrieval mission.

Spoiler: OOC

Long rest acquired. Drink any wine if you need it. Time to decide how you're going to word your 25 word Sending to Prince Oargev about the Karrnathi's.