December 4th
Perimeter Team
All but one of the birds manages to dodge out of Dee’s sorcerous bindings. The tethered white demon plummets like a stone before it manages to free its wings just enough to keep it aloft.

One of the Qetz’seia’s hands raises to its chest and it extends two fingers in a warding gesture. Dee’s spell sparks against the demon’s invisible barrier, and fizzles into nothing.

The demon Crowe aimed at tucks in one wing and dodges out of the way of his spear before shooting straight at the shadowmancer with a deafening cry, disorienting him. It slashes at Crowe with its claws, but only gets air.

All of the demons but one succeed at their Agility rolls! The demon Crowe attacked retaliates, Shaking him!
Demon’s Turn- the Qetz’raod misses Crowe
Heroes have Initiative!

Warehouse Assault
Wolf snarls and launches himself at what used to be Zalta, ripping and tearing at what’s left of her ribcage. The demon withstands the attack in eerie silence, even as Wolf tears out several ribs and claws into the organs beneath.

Zalta then slams her front half down onto the concrete, dislodging the chimera. She stabs a scythe into Wolf’s gut, pinning him to the floor.

Heroes Turn- Wolf goes and manages to Wound Zalta x1
Villains Turn- Zalta retaliates, Wounding Wolf x3!
Heroes have Initiative!