Lera Trask
Human Kineticist
AC: 18 | HP: 20/20
Fortitude: +9 | Reflex: +6 | Will: +4 | Perception: +4
Hero Points: 1/1
Active Effects: Armor in Earth, Gate
Conditions: None

As soon as she sees the fly, Lera runs into the room, a dirty dagger in each hand. She sees it hit Khaz and then Firtina performs some sort of prayer that seems to protect him from the damage of the bite. Lera has no idea what that was but is grateful to see it.

"Not today, fly."

She stabs at the creature twice with her two muddy daggers.

Spoiler: OOC

Action 1: move to -7,0
Action 2: 1 action weapon infused blast. (1d20+7)[14], (1d8+3)[9] piercing
Action 3: 1 action weapon infused blast, agile. (1d20+3)[13], (1d8+3)[7] piercing