December 4th
Warehouse Assault
Redline’s attack sends Zalta reeling. Her scythe rips out of Wolf, spraying black blood all the High Octane Hero.

Zalta’s ribs and insides are burned black from Redline’s light. She sways, but whatever magics that animate her won’t allow her to collapse. The demon jerks forward and her sightless eyes settle in Redline.

Spoiler: Notice TN 6 for those inside
A small rune carved into the red flesh of the demon’s forehead glows for a brief moment as Zalta rights herself.

Kris grimaces as the demon takes the twin blasts of light. He snarls an obscenity as he looks around the room, eyes searching for escape routes.

“Havin’ second thoughts?” Mirko stage whispers to his brother before he steps around Kris and bathes Nightgaunt in flames once more.

Redline’s attack does all the damages to Zalta… but she stays up.
Villains Turn- Mirko attacks Nightgaunt! He does 20 damage!
Heroes have Initiative!

Perimeter Team
The bird sees Redline’s attacks coming a quickly flaps, gaining enough altitude for the beams of light to pass under it.

“Watch yourselves,” Polaris says over comms as a Qetz’raod swoops over to the rooftop that Dee and Redline are on. It sucks in air, condensing it inside its hollow body. Mist begins to pour out of its open ribs.

Both of Redline’s attacks miss the demon!
Demon’s Turn- A Qetz’raod engages Dee and Redline and begins charging an attack!
Heroes Have Initiative!