If you've been to the 3.5 subforum, you've seen these all the time. Iron Chef, Junkyard Wars, Villainous Competition, Monster Mash.... You're given (at least) one "secret ingredient", which is a class, feat, race, or sometimes even piece of equipment for you to build around, and your build is compared to the other entrants on Originality, Power, Elegance, and how well you used the Secret Ingredient.

Would people be interested in participating in something similar for 4th Edition? What would need to change from the 3.5 formats (obviously instead of prestige classes, we'd be looking at Paragon Paths and/or Epic Destinies). Which model of contest would you be most interested in: Iron Chef (one secret ingredient, the classic), Junkyard Wars (two secret ingredients and one forbidden ingredient), or even Villainous (create a villain for the DM side of the screen at various CRs)? Not sure how well that last one would work for 4e, but maybe it would be great!

My gut says that there isn't a large enough 'population' here to do the traditional entrants and judges model; I'd probably run it like the now defunct Game Warpers contest, where the contestants essentially vote on which entries were best (and can't vote for their own, obviously).