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Thread: The Crimson Echo Season Three

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    Troll in the Playground
    Inspectre's Avatar

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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: The Crimson Echo Season Three

    Flexing her shoulder, Haeluna unfurls the venus-fly trap vine out to its full length, the vine somehow managing to remain up in the air as it flexes to keep the head up despite now being nearly 10' in length from Haeluna. It snakes around behind Silas while Haeluna steps towards him.

    She gestures once, and from her back emerges a translucent double of her, only this one turns to face Bellinda, snarling at her as the image dances in and out of Haeluna's form, making it difficult to discern which is the real one and which is the fake. Haeluna then makes another arcane gesture, spitting words of power as she reaches out a hand to touch Silas on the chest, while the mandragora simultaneously attempts to burrow itself into his back!

    Again the mandragora bounces off of the tiefling's armor, and he manages to twist away from Haeluna's hand, his new cloak swirling up into the mad cleric abomination's face just in time! The tiefling still winces at the jolt of necrotic energy that was pumped into him, while Haeluna maintains a rictus grin, although the smile fades a little into a wince of pain as blood pours out of her shoulder from where the plant vine had burst out of her armor, the vine beginning to knit itself back together as it clearly absorbs some of Haeluna's own life force to keep going!

    Spoiler: Haeluna

    Free Action (Start of Round): Switch Mandragora to "Attack" mode
    Move Action: Use Copycat ability, creating a single Mirror Image. Attempting to "cast" this defensively, so it'll fizzle if she fails. Concentration: (1d20+6)[21] vs. DC 17
    5' Step to F8
    Standard Action: Swapping 2nd level spell for Inflict Moderate Wounds, attempting to touch Silas. Concentration: (1d20+6)[23] vs. DC 19
    To-Hit: (1d20+10)[26] (+2 Flanking) vs. Touch
    Damage: (2d8+5)[15] Negative Energy, DC 15 Will Save for Half (should be +3 here, so 13 damage instead of 15, halved to 6 damage total)
    Sneak Attack: (3d6)[8]

    Spoiler: Mandragora

    Free Action (Start of Turn): Suck 5 HP out of Haeluna, regaining 5 HP
    Move Action: 5' step to F6. A trail of vine is left in E7 to keep it attached to Haeluna (this is targetable).
    Standard Action: Bite Silas (+2 Flanking)
    To-Hit: (1d20+10)[13]
    Damage: (1d6+3)[9]
    Hit: Grab attempt - (1d20+10)[30]

    Back around to the party!

    Battle Map

    Spoiler: Status

    Haeluna - 5, 1 Mirror Image Up
    Mandragora - 4


    Silas - 14
    Magenta - Studied Target (Haeluna)
    Last edited by Inspectre; 2024-01-29 at 09:19 AM.
    I didn't actually intend to kill EVERYONE. It just sort of happened.

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