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Thread: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

  1. - Top - End - #1279
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV


    "oooooh. That's gotta sting." Nightgaunt says, sauntering up to Zodiac and Kris. He pats Yuki affectionately on the flank and then crouches down so he can look the Dragonov in the eyes.

    "Would you have run out on him like that, I wonder? More importantly, man, what's the longest you two have been apart? Like, is he gonna be okay on his own? Is he even housebroken?"

    Nightgaunt pauses, listening to the updates from outside. The party ain't over yet.

    "Kris." The vampire continues, with considerably less cheek, "My family hasn't broken a promise in several hundred years. I promise I will do everything in my power to reunite you with your brother soon. So you chill out and behave with one of my favorite people."

    Reverting to type, he addresses Zodiac as he raises one talon. "Be careful of him. Call for me if you need help."

    He let's his arm fall, tearing a hole in reality which he rolls through.


    Nightgaunt rolls into existence high overhead, spreading his arms and legs out in free-fall towards the ground.

    "You guys leave anything for me?" He asks over the open channel.

    Spoiler: OOC/Mechanics/Whatnot

    Nightgaunt spends 1 Burn to MOVE to outside.

    Preemptive Defend Roll: 2, as it must be.

    " On a Miss, you protect them, but at great cost;You either cannot Soak damage from the attack or the situation escalates."

    "Nightgaunt gains 1 Potential"
    Potential DEATH

    Potential: 4/5
    Burn: 2/3
    Bennies: 0/3
    Conditions: 3/6
    Wounds: 1, Null, of 4 (Incapacitation)
    Payback vs. Kris - carrying +2 to-hit/Damage
    Last edited by big teej; 2024-02-03 at 08:45 PM.