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Thread: Dwarves aren't cool anymore

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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Dwarves aren't cool anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
    I didn't say every single thing he listed wasn't a PC race, calm down. My overall point was that 3.5 isn't leaps and bounds ahead of the other editions in terms of dwarven variety. Especially since you can make a Jungle Dwarf or Cocoa Dwarf or whatever with backgrounds too.
    "My problem with 5E is that levels mean literally nothing. A 1st level character is just as strong as a 20th level character."
    "What?! That's not true! Here, look at all the differences!"
    "Oh, well, what I meant was that 5E has a flatter power curve than 3E or 4E. And we agree it does, so I was basically right."

    Which is to say that I find your argument that "well since some of these 3E Dwarves have LA, and some of them are just environmental variants (doesn't that apply to the 5E ones too?), then a list of 10+ is pretty much the same as two options" to be unconvincing and somewhat disingenuous.

    Although this is all a bit tangential, since IME it's not like people played a ton of Dwarves in 3E either, or in fact - ever. If there was a golden age of Dwarves being cool that we've now fallen from, I seem to have missed it entirely.

    Edit: Also, did someone call "fire resistance 5" a boring feature that has no cultural impact? Where the heck are you coming from with that? Do you realize what a difference that would make? Small fires (torches, for example) are completely harmless! Fire Dwarves (lets call them) could do the Blackbeard thing (putting lit fuses in his beard) as normal decoration. Even larger fires are much less dangerous, plausibly leading to a much more casual attitude about fire safety, and things like blacksmithing become a lot easier and less tiring. It has more potential cultural impact than the majority of racial features in any edition.
    Last edited by icefractal; 2024-02-04 at 06:33 PM.