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Thread: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

  1. - Top - End - #1289
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Lt. Dan? Is that some boomer movie reference?

    From the snatches of conversation filtering through his frozen headset and half-frozen brain, it seemed like the battle as over.

    Let's see you grit those teeth! He thought as he focused his will on clenching his remaining hand into a fist and force his arm to move. A hollow rattle and the sound of crunching glass came from the vampire's chest in place of his usual growl as he forced his cracked and stiff limb to shove against the ground and roll himself over.

    It all hurt. A lot.

    He let the rest of the air in his lungs out in a long hiss as he reached up and pulled his helmet aside and reached out, his arm disappearing in a small tear in reality and pulling out a nice, chilled, but unfrozen blood bag from the fridge at home. He grit his teeth against the pain as he again forced the frozen limb up to his face and bit into the bag. His empty lungs obviated any chance of groaning or crying out from the pain and exertion.

    compared to his frozen form, the fridge-temperature Aqua Vitae was positively balmy. He pushed himself up into sitting position and looked at the slushy, gelid fluid oozing from the stumps of his legs.

    you've gotta be ****ting me.

    He grit his teeth and concentrated on regenerating, the way a panicking mortal might focus on their breathing.

    Slowly, pale white, unblemished flesh began to make snaking inroads across the black, frostbitten, deader-than-dead skin, and tendrils of bone, muscle, and tissue crawled forth from his limbs, pushing the rest of the blood-slush free before sprouting, fully formed and vibrant.

    He grunted at that, sucking unneeded air back into his lungs.

    Raphael pulled his helmet the rest of the way off and lay back down inside his crater. He pulled a frozen blood pouch from his belt and worked it with his hands, breaking the contents up into tiny ice-cubes.

    "Sure, no need to worry, I'm fine, thanks for asking." He said to the air as he slit open the side of the pouch with a talon and had a crunchy snack.

    Spoiler: Kicks and giggles

    Regeneration at -3 for wounds, -1 for 2 conditions
    Rolling at a total of -3 because I ignore a wound penalty
    6 seconds - Fail
    12 seconds - Fail
    18 seconds -
    24 seconds -
    30 seconds -
    36 seconds - Regenerate 1 wound after the penalties, rolling at -2 now!
    *splork* One Leg reappears
    42 seconds - fail
    48 seconds - Regenerate 1 wound after penalties, rolling at -1
    *splork* arm regrows
    54 seconds - fail
    1 minute later - fail
    1:06 - failure
    1:12 - 14! - where the hell was this roll earlier?
    *splork* second leg reappears

    Last edited by big teej; 2024-02-06 at 10:01 PM.