Quote Originally Posted by JusticeZero View Post
I'm still wanting to know why, now that there are more choices for races to occupy the world, that dwarves are obligated to be one of the races included on the world map.
The problem word in this statement isn’t “dwarves”. And it isn’t “obligated”.

It’s “the”. … “the” world map.

There is no one single “the” world map.

Dwarves exist on my world map, and always will. I and all my players are Tolkien fans. I and all my players are here for some degree of simulating classic fantasy. No matter what you think, I will use dwarves. [I had six players, but one moved away before the first session. That one had already developed his dwarf character.]

I do not care if you have dwarves on your world map. I don’t see any reason why you should be obliged to have them at all.

But I am going to have dwarves, so it is very helpful for me and my players for dwarves to be in the rulebook.

Now, let's turn the question around. I have shown why it helps my game for dwarves to be included in the rulebook. How does it hurt you to have dwarves included in the rulebook?

You don't have to play a dwarf just because they are in the book. Taking them out of the rulebook would hurt me and my players. I can understand you being willing to hurt my game to help yours. But how does it help your game to not have dwarves in the book?