Jochen seems a bit surprised when asked about his skills, he thinks a bit before answering.

Well, I can cast some spells? Do You... Do you need a list? I can heal people with my magic, which I heard is pretty uncommon. Which reminds me.

Jochen seems to look a bit paler and weaker, he seems to punch his chest while murmuring something and then looks better while a sprectal armor briefly appears around him.

Spoiler: OOC
Transfer 2 HP towards my shawl, then cast Mage Armor and give myself 2 HP back.

As I told Leif, if someone is afraid I can take they're fear unto me. I think that's pretty much it? I can point out weakpoints I guess? Oh and I take a sip, thanks a lot.

Jochen takes Witt's offer and takes a sip of grog which is followed by a lot of coughing, heaving and after a bit of time gasping for air. I think something died in there...